Page 6 - Caruso_Zaccone_2000
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          Table 2 The Adriatic Sea (Prisma 2 project). Pearson correlation coef®cients found in the surface and along the water column between
          LAP activity and some physico-chemical and microbiological parameters in front of the Po delta (Northern area) and near Ancona
          (Southern area)

                                 Northern area

                                 June 96           February 97         June 97             February 98
          LAP vs:                0 m     Column    0 m      Column     0 m       Column    0 m       Column
          Temperature              072     050**   ÿ 079   ÿ 035      067      061**   ÿ 079    ÿ 065**
          Salinity               ÿ 082*   ÿ 075**  ÿ 086*  ÿ 042*   ÿ 097**   ÿ 094**  ÿ 099**  ÿ 095**
          Viable heterotrophic bacteria  016  028   083*     037      064      063**    079       049**
          Chlorophyll a                     049**              068**              083**               087**
          POC                               030                055**              094**               n.d.
                                 n ˆ 6   n ˆ 30    n ˆ 6    n ˆ 30     n ˆ 6     n ˆ 30    n ˆ 6     n ˆ 30

                                 Southern area
                                 June 96            February 97         June 97            February 98

          LAP vs:                0 m     Column     0 m       Column    0 m     Column     0 m       Column
          Temperature              015      013    ÿ 084    ÿ 090**    060     039    ÿ 092**   ÿ 093**
          Salinity               ÿ 078*   ÿ 048**  ÿ 076    ÿ 085**  ÿ 054   ÿ 069**    057     ÿ 089**
          Viable heterotrophic bacteria  047  048**  099**    090**    016     028      074       071**
          Chlorophyll a                      051**              071**             084**               099**
          POC                                024                093**             091**               n.d.
                                 n ˆ 7   n ˆ 36     n ˆ 5     n ˆ 23    n ˆ 6   n ˆ 30     n ˆ 6     n ˆ 27

          *Signi®cant value at P < 005; **signi®cant value at P < 001; n.d. ˆ not determined.

          density, which was homogeneously distributed and ranged  Brackish environments
          from 40  10 (June 97, northern area) to 509  10 cfu
          ml ÿ1  (February 97, southern area). Temperature had a  Faro Lake. Faro Lake is a brackish lake connected through
          negative in¯uence on LAP in cold periods and a positive  canals to the Tyrrhenian Sea. The shallow depth (25 m)
          effect in warm periods, but the environmental variable  and the massive growth of photosynthetic sulphur bacteria
          affecting the enzyme activity more consistently appeared to  are the cause of frequent `red water' phenomena, which
          be salinity, being signi®cantly inversely related to LAP  occur in this environment particularly in spring (Truper
          throughout the study period and particularly (at a higher  and Genovese 1968). In February 1995, one station located
          degree of correlation) in the most diluted waters of area A.  at the central point of the lake was sampled at the surface
          Aminopeptidase was also always correlated with POC and  and at 10 and 20 m. Vmax values ranged from 19 to 27 mg
          chlorophyll a contents.                              C l  h , with the highest concentrations at the surface.
                                                               At the same depth, temperature and viable heterotrophic

                                                               bacteria reached their maxima (1439 C and 147  10 cfu
          Straits of Messina. Surface samples were collected in July  ml ), respectively. Lower aminopeptidase levels were
          1996 from six stations located between the Sicilian and  measured in the deepest layers, coinciding with the lowest
          Calabrian coasts, in conditions of current ¯owing from the  bacterial counts (459  10 cfu ml ). The r Pearson coef-
          Tyrrhenian towards the Ionian Sea (called `scendente',  ®cient between bacterial heterotrophic abundance and
          Brandolini et al. 1980). Values of activity were between  activity data (r ˆ 089) showed a signi®cant correlation
          099 (station Torre Cavallo, Calabrian coast) and 2591 mg  between these two parameters.
          C l ÿ1  h ÿ1  (station Ganzirri, in front of the Sicilian coast).
          Viable heterotrophic bacteria ranged from 380  10 to
          703  10 cfu ml ÿ1  and were signi®cantly positively corre-  Oliveri-Tindari ponds. The lagoon area of Oliveri-Tindari
          lated with the activity values (r ˆ 096).           is a small brackish system located along the Tyrrhenian
                                              = 2000 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 89, 951ÿ959
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