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          ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                      minari sulle caratteristiche idrobiologiche del sistema acqua-
                                                                sedimento nell'area delle Isole Egadi (Campagna oceanogra®ca
          The authors are grateful to the other operating units of the  EGA 96). Atti Associazione Italiana Oceanologia e Limnologia 12,
          Prisma 1 and 2 Projects (Dr A. Puddu and M. Pettine,  377±386.
          IRSA, Rome; Dr S. Rabitti, IBM, Venice; Dr Franco    Leonardi, M., Caruso, G., Monticelli, L. and Zaccone, R. (1998b)
          Decembrini, IST, Messina) and to Dr Marcella Leonardi  Spatial and temporal variations of microbial processes on
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          = 2000 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 89, 951ÿ959
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