Page 4 - Castriota_alii_2014
P. 4

Biologica/ date on Fistularia commersonii                                          CASTRIOTA ET AL.


.rcg::o.  80


g                               y = l .3773x - 52.62 1
                                  r = 0.74; p<O.OI
!2 40             ••                     Il= 17
>. 20




              70                          90 100        IlO
                                Total length (c m)

Figure 3. - Regression analysis performed between prey size and
bluespotted cornetfish size.


"5' 25                                                               Figure 5. - Example of age reading in a vertebra of an estimateci
                                                                     3-years old specimen of Fistularia commersonii.
'() 20                                                                      120

&.                                                                            100
'O"' 15



                                                                     E        80

             60 70 80 90 100 IlO 120
                   Total length classes (cm, without filament)       o::l
                                                                     -5 60
Figure 4. - Length-frequency distribution of bluespotted cornetfish
considered for age analysis.                                         ·~

Table Il. - Age-length key of Fistularia commersonii in centrai      E             =TLt 102.39 (l - e o"'9'1(Ho.s7Jt))
Mediterranean Sea.
                                                                     ~ 40                          n=46


   TL(cm)                             Age classes     Total                   o
   Classes                      23                      n
                  Range         6                  4    6                   o
      70                        10 17                  28                     o 2 34 s
      80           66-75                           l    8
      90           76-85                     4     4    2                                                         Age
      100          86-95                    l      l    2
      110         96-105                           2                 Figure 6. - Von Bertalanffy curve determined from groMh incre-
                  106-115                                            ment interpretation in Fistularia commersonii vertebrae.

        n                       16 22              8  46
                                75.77 82.62 94.35                    for the age analysis ranged from 73 .O to 107 .5 cm TL

          SD 1.75 4.29 9 .83                                         (82.3 ± 8.1 cm). Figure 4 shows the 1ength frequency dis-
                                                                     tribution of these specimens; 6 1% of samp1es belong to the
labrids, followed by clupeids and sparids in the diet of blues-      80 cm TL class (75-85 cm).
potted cornetfish (Fig. 2). Prey size ranged from 30.5 to
9 1.3 mm TL. Regression analysis performed between prey                  Out of 200 vertebrae ana1ysed, on1y three were consid-
size and predator size revealed a high1y significant corre1a-        ered unreadab1e . The thoracic vertebra of F. commersonii
                                                                     shows a conica1centrum with bands made of wide1y spaced
tion (tJs = 4.25; p< 0 .0 1), with Pearson's coefficient r =0.74     rings in the inner part, becoming progressive1y narrow in
                                                                     the outer part. Age readings allowed to identify three age
(Fig. 3).                                                            groups, presumab1y be1onging to fish of 2, 3 and 4 years
                                                                     o1d. The age composition of the individua1s considered in
Age                                                                  this study in re1ation to 1ength (age-1ength key) is summa-
    The specimens of b1uespotted cornetfish considered

18 Cybium2014, 38(1 )
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