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Biologica/ date on Fistularia commersonii                              CASTRIOTA ET AL.

(Fritzsche and Schneider, 1995) suggests that this species             BARICHE M.,ALWAN N., EL-ASSI H. & ZURAYK R., 2009. -
may live longer than estimated.                                             Diet composition of the Lessepsian bluespotted cornetfish Fis-
                                                                           tularia commersonii in the eastem Mediterranean. J. Appl. Ich-
    The analysis of growth rates indicates that bluespotted                thyol., 25: 460-465.
cornetfish is a fast-growing species (k = 0 .49 year· 1). The
theoretical asymptotic totallength (TL:c = 102.39 cm) was              BARICHE M .,KAJAJIANA. &AZZURRO E., 20 13 . - Reproduc-
lower than the observed maximum (l07.5 cm). This is possi-                  tion of the invasive bluespotted cornetfish Fistularia commer-
bly due to the low number of large individuals in our sample,              sonii (Teleostei, Fistulariidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Mar.
as only two specimens outnumbered the TL~ value.                           Biol. Res., 9: 169-180 .

    Regarding weight-length relationship, our results show             BEN AMOR M.M. & CAPAPÉ C ., 2008. - Occurrence of a filefish
positive allometry, indicating that bluespotted cornetfish                 closely related to Stephanolepis diaspros (Osteichthyes: Mona-
becomes heavier for its length as it increases in size (Woot-              canthidae) off northern Tunisian coast (south-western Mediter-
ton, 1990). Positive allometry for F. commersonii were also                ranean Sea). Cah. Biol. Mar., 49(4): 323-328 .

found in Israel (b = 3 .406) on 1073 specimens (Bariche and             BERTALANFFY (VON) L., 1938 .- A quantitative theory of
                                                                           organic gro\\rth (lnquiries on gro\\rth laws Il). Human Bio/., 10:
Kajajian, 20 12) and in Lebanon waters (b = 3.35) on 47                     181-213 .
individuals (Edelist, 20 12), contrarily to results of Erguden
et al. (2009), who reported a value of b = 2.504 on 12 speci-          BIANCHI C.N. & MORRI C., 2003 . - Global sea warming and
mens from Turkish waters. Possibly, the best estimate is the               "tropicalization" of the Mediterranean Sea: biogeographic and
one published by Bariche and Kajajian (20 12) given the high               ecologica! aspects. Biogeographia, 24: 319-327.
number of specimens analysed, distributed in a wide range
of sizes and periods. These authors also calculated regres-            BILECENOGLU M ., TA~KAVAK E . & BOGAç KUNT K. , 2002.
sion coefficient by sex, obtaining similar results (b = 3.398              - Range extension of three Lessepsian migrant fish (Fistularia
for males, b = 3.352 for females) . However, differences in                commersonii, Sphyraenafiavicauda, Lagocephalus suez;ensis)
growth patterns in relation to the sampling area are expect-               in the Mediterranean Sea. J.Mar. Bio/. Ass. UK, 82: 525-526.
ed, since growth is strongly influenced by environmental
parameters (e .g . temperature, salinity, etc.). A comparison of       CASTRIOTA L. & ANDALORO F. , 2008 . - First record of the
growth rates and age parameters between invaded areas and                  lessepsian fish Siganus luridus (Osteichthyes: Siganidae) in the
native waters will be possible only if new studies on age and              Tyrrhenian Sea. Mar. Biodiv. Ree. , !: el l.
growth of bluespotted cornetfish are carried out.
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