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CASTRIOTA ET AL.                                                    Biologica/ date on Fistularia conunersonii

    800     W= 0.0001 TL3.372  o                                    aurita, the sparid Boops boops and centracanthids indicates
                  R2 = 0.857                                        the propensity of F. commersonii to catch pelagic species,
    700             n=60                                            although benthic and nectobenthic fishes, such as labrids
                                                                    and other sparids, are also well represented in its diet. Such
    600                                                             feeding behaviour follows the same pattern adopted by this
                                                                    species in its native habitat (Takeuchi, 2009), where F. com-
,....._500                                                          mersonii shows a foraging activity mainly focused on two
co                                                                  types of prey fishes: reef fish that typically dwell on or near
"~"" 400                                                            substrata (e.g., Tripterygiidae, Labridae) and pelagic fish
                                                                    that shoal in the water column (e.g., Clupeidae, Carangi-
     300                                                            dae). Prey fishes were mainly juveniles, as showed by their
                                                                    size; only three species [S. aurita, Thalassoma pavo (Lin-
200                                                                 naeus, 1758) and Symphodus ocellatus (Forsskal, 1775)]
                                                                    were also found at the adult stage. The wide array of prey
100                                                                 fish belonging to different habitats testifies to the high ffex-
                                                                    ibility of F. commersonii in the choice of its prey. The signif-
 o                                                                  icant correlation found between predator size and prey size
                                                                    suggests ontogenetic changes in the diet of F. commersonii,
   60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100                                      as previously reported in the Aegean Sea and in southern
                        TL (cm, without filament)                   Japan (Kalogirou et al., 2007; Takeuchi, 2009). In particular,
                                                                    these changes may be related to the diversification of for-
Figure 7. - Length-weight relationship for Fistularia commersonii,  aging behaviours when body size of bluespotted cornetfish
centrai Mediterranean Sea.                                          increases, due not only to the habitat types andanti-preda-
                                                                    tory behaviours of prey fishes, but also to associative forag-
rized in table II. The majority of samples belonged to the          ing with con- or heterospecifics, which improves its foraging
length class 75-85; in particular, 16 specimens (34.7%) were        success (Takeuchi, 2009).
included in age class 2 (TL = 75.77 ± 1.75 cm), 22 (47 .8%)
were aged as 3 year old (TL = 82.62 ± 4.29 cm) (Fig. 5)                 The analysis of feeding habits in non-indigenous inva-
and age class 4 was represented by 8 specimens (17 .4%)             sive fish assumes particular importance in individuating
(TL = 94.35 ± 9 .83 cm).                                            potential competition for food resources with native species,
                                                                    which may be damaged by the presence of a new competi-
Growth                                                              tar in the own trophic niche. This event may have effects on
    The parameters of von Bertalanffy growth curve fitted           the ecosystem equilibrium and also on human activities such
                                                                    as fishery. Therefore, future studies should investigate this
to total lengths at age were estimateci as: TL.c = 102.39 cm,       aspect in order to understand which native fish populations
                                                                    and fishery resources are affected by invasive species.
k = 0.493 1 year-1, to = -0.5741 years (Fig. 6) . The theoreti-
                                                                         To date, we could not find any study dealing with blues-
cal asymptotic total length (TLo: = 102.39 cm) gave results
                                                                    potted cornetfish ageing in the literature. Fish of tropical
lower than the largest specimen (TL = 107.5 cm) caught              waters are difficult to age because they grow in constant
                                                                    water temperature all year round and, consequently, the for-
in this study. The value of the growth performance index            mation of growth increments (i.e. annuii) is compromised
obtained for all individuals was: <P' = 3.7134.                     (Smith and Heemstra, 2003). However, our specimens col-
                                                                    lected in Sicilian waters, where temperature varies season-
    The relationship between weight and length estimateci for       ally, should have been subjected to annual variation of faster
F. commersonii in the study area is expressed by the equa-          growth in summer and slower growth in winter, like hap-
tion: W = 0.000 1 TL3372 with R2 = 0.857 (Fig. 7). This spe-        pens to fish of temperate waters. As expected, the vertebrae
cies showed positive allometry since the value of b = 3.372         of these individuals displayed concentric marks (i.e. bands
resulted highly significantly different from the value 3 .O, as     or rings) that can be due to annual growth increments. By
confirmed by Student's t-test (tss = 4 .133; p< 0.01) .             means of vertebrae readings, we estimateci the age of F. com-
                                                                    mersonii varying from 2 to 4 years within the size range of
                            DISCUSSIO N                             examined specimens. The maximum totallength in the study
                                                                    area was l 07.5 cm, corresponding to 4 years, although its
    The present study provides new information on biology           maximum size reported in literature (i.e. 160 cm totallength)
and ecology of the invasive Lessepsian fish F. commersonii
from the centrai Mediterranean Sea. Since 77 specimens may
not be representative of the whole population and reffect a
first stage of range expansion, results should be considered
as preliminary data.

    Diet analysis indicated that bluespotted cornetfish is
exclusively piscivorous in the study area, as found in other
Mediterranean areas (Corsini et al_, 2002; Bariche, 2007;
Psomadakis et al., 2009), although some authors observed a
secondary predation on crustaceans (Kalogirou et al., 2007;
Bariche et al., 2009). Predation on the clupeid Sardinella

Cybium 2014, 38(1)                                                  19
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