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A. Ciappa, S. Costabile / Marine Pollution Bulletin 84 (2014) 44–55   45

          Fig. 1. Egadi Marine Protected Area (MPA) in Central Mediterranean Sea and main tanker routes in December 2010. Tanker routes are plotted using Automatic Identification
          System (AIS) data (IMO codes 81 and 82) provided by courtesy of e-geos and the Italian Coast Guard (MARISS project). (Panel a): islands of Favignana (F), Marettimo (M) and
          Levanzo (L) within the MPA.

          these studies are the use of long-term sequences of wind and  of turbulent diffusion in the forward mode; random walk in the
          current data and the forward-in-time tracking of Lagrangian parti-  backward mode describes the uncertainty of the trajectory caused
          cles, which are initially seeded at points located along the main sea  by turbulent diffusion and the result of backward-in-time integra-
          routes or covering the entire sea area with a regular distribution.  tion provides probabilities of possible source locations. In the
          The method proposed in this study combines the use of long-term  ocean, backward tracking has been used to investigate sources,
          sequences of meteo-oceanographic data with the ‘receptor mode’  destinations and transport pathways of plankton (Batchelder,
          technique, where Lagrangian tracers are tracked backwards in time  2006), and Isobe et al. (2009) investigated the possibility of relating
          from known destinations (or receptors) located on the coast or in  source and receptor points by using a two-way particle tracking
          sensitive areas. As noted by Batchelder (2006), backward-in-time  model that included forward- and backward-in-time integration
          mode is more computationally efficient than forward-in-time  modules.
          tracking when the number of receptors (destinations) is signifi-  In oil-spill modeling, the ‘receptor mode’ option was imple-
          cantly fewer than the number of potential sources, as is quite com-  mented in the pioneer On-Scene Spill Model (Torgrimson, 1981;
          mon in oil risk assessment studies.                  Galt and Payton, 1983) developed by the Hazardous Material
            The backward-in-time approach in calculating fluid element  Response Branch (HAZMAT) of National Oceanic and Atmospheric
          trajectories is widely adopted in atmospheric science in order to  Administration (NOAA) and is still available in many commercial
          identify the source of a pollutant or to estimate substance emis-  oil-spill models. It is based on Lagrangian particles tracked
          sions from potential emission sites (Lin et al., 2003; Seibert and  backwards in time for some days from a receptor site to multiple
          Frank, 2004; Stohl et al., 2012). In this context, the validity of  possible sources offshore, producing (i) a probability map, i.e. the
          backward-in-time Lagrangian stochastic dispersion models was  probability that oil detected offshore reaches the receptor site,
          discussed by Flesch and Wilson (1995), finding that the correspon-  and (ii) a time-of-travel or arrival time map, i.e. the minimum time
          dence between forward and backward models is good in the case  for the oil to reach the site. In the original formulation (see Galt and
          of turbulent diffusion notwithstanding the irreversibility of the  Payton, 1983), trajectories were simulated by using monthly or
          process, on condition that any sort of deterministic bias to the  seasonal statistical distributions of the wind and current. It will
          direction of motion arising from turbulence nonhomogeneity is  be demonstrated that the use of the realistic sequence of wind
          considered (the ‘‘well-mixed’’ condition in Thomson, 1987). As  and current data better accounts for the trajectory variability on
          random walk is commonly used to simulate the physical process  a time scale of a few days. In this study, the ‘receptor mode’
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