Page 4 - Ciappa_Costabile_2014
P. 4

A. Ciappa, S. Costabile / Marine Pollution Bulletin 84 (2014) 44–55   47

                          Fig. 2. Comparison of the kinetic energy (KE) of NCEP and ECMWF wind datasets in the Sicily Channel during 2011.

          Fig. 3. Cases of maximum transport (to north, east, south and west in clockwise order) extracted from the run of the numerical model for the period 2006–2011. The adopted
          scale of the wind vectors allows visual comparison of the transports due to the wind (oil moving at 3% of wind speed) and the current.

          the oil, is ultimately proportional to the length of the MPA perim-  multi-annual run of an ocean model. Advantages of the substitu-
          eter (or coastal segment) hit by the oil. The second aspect is the  tion are the possibility of accounting for the interaction of wind
          substitution of the mean current field and wind histogram with  and current in general, and to preserve the short-term variability
          the sequence of current and wind data extracted from a  of the oil trajectories in particular. Indeed, when the Lagrangian
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