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52                              A. Ciappa, S. Costabile / Marine Pollution Bulletin 84 (2014) 44–55

                                                      Fig. 6 (continued)

        Fig. 7. Panel a: kinetic energy (KE) of the mean current and wind in 2-, 6- and 10-day bins during 2008 in the study area. Panel b: the value plotted, proportional to the cosine
        of the angle between the wind and the current, shows that for most of the year wind and current move the oil in the same direction.

        to October as segment A, also deserves surveillance all year long  The main results emerging from this study are summarized in
        but is less frequented. Finally, the route segment C is the most fre-  the following points. First, the use of realistic wind and current
        quented but the threat to the MPA is limited to the months of  fields commonly adopted in operational oil spill forecasting
        November and December.                               systems in the last decade is mandatory in backward-in-time
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