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54                              A. Ciappa, S. Costabile / Marine Pollution Bulletin 84 (2014) 44–55
        trajectory tracking as well, because statistical distributions of wind  by the intersection of the three main tanker routes around the
        and current are not adequate to establish a sound statistical basis  MPA with the areas of greatest threat of oil pollution. The route fol-
        for quantifying the likely oil trajectories. The results of the compar-  lowing the northern coast of Sicily is the least frequented one but
        ative test effected in this study show that, in the short term  requires monitoring all year long. The route following the southern
        (5 days), part of the oil trajectory variability is filtered out if statis-  coast of Sicily is the most critical because it is highly frequented,
        tical distributions of the wind and mean current fields are used. As  very close to the MPA and a source of threat all year long. The third
        consequence, considering that multi-annual sequences of wind  route, close to the Tunisian shore, is the most frequented but the
        and current data are produced by numerical models, the second  threat is limited to the months of November and December.
        point is that results of backward trajectory analysis can be  The oil trajectory method illustrated in this study, based on the
        improved if based on data available at higher spatial resolution.  ‘receptor mode’ trajectory analysis, consists of tracking backwards
        As an example, results of this study based on sub-daily wind fields  in time Lagrangian elements from the receptor points to multiple
        at 2.5° resolution and daily current data at 8’ resolution can be  sources offshore. This technique is a valid alternative to the for-
        greatly improved by data produced by higher resolution models.  ward-in-time integration in computational terms. Indeed, the
        The third point is a source of uncertainty arising from the fact that  seeded points lie on the coast or around the MPA rather than off-
        oil trajectory statistics are extracted from a limited number of  shore, and the number of Lagrangian elements tracked is largely
        years, and adequate statistics were reached after 5 years in the Gulf  reduced.
        of Finland (Soomere et al., 2014). A general improvement coming
        from the evolution of the modeling techniques and the increasing  Acknowledgements
        quality of the data collected year after year will be the possibility of
        managing longer datasets. As the final point, the choice of the  Grateful acknowledgement is made to the institutions that in
        backward-in-time tracking done in this study is a valid and compu-  different countries provide free access to the models and data used
        tationally efficient alternative to the use of the forward-in-time
                                                             in this study: the Ocean Model group at Princeton University
        technique. Indeed, release points uniformly covering the 3  3°  (POM), National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and
        domain of Fig. 6 (spaced at 1 min) used in forward tracking would
                                                             National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), the Oceancolor
        be about 300 times the number of receptor points used in this  team of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). A
                                                             special thank to Alex Cooper for the revision work. The authors are
                                                             grateful to the Editor and the reviewers for their constructive sup-
        5. Conclusions                                       port that improved the manuscript.
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