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50                              A. Ciappa, S. Costabile / Marine Pollution Bulletin 84 (2014) 44–55

        Fig. 6. Monthly maps of minimum arrival time (panel A), maximum probability (panel B) and number of receptor points potentially impacted by the oil along the perimeter
        of the Egadi MPA (panel C) obtained using wind and current data from 2006 to 2011.
        The maps of minimum arrival time, maximum probability and  season (November to March) than in the warm season (April to
        number of receptor points hit obtained by the ‘receptor mode’ in  October). From November to March the area extends north, west
        the two cases and by the adopted method are shown in Fig. 5.  and south due to the higher intensity and variability of the wind
        The two results obtained with the ‘receptor mode’ are similar  and current fields. The shape of the area from May to August sug-
        (upper and central rows). Small differences are due to the stronger  gests that more stable winds and currents from NW and SE charac-
        winds of the multi-decadal wind histogram (speed mostly between  terize the oil transport in these months.
        3.5 and 15.5 m/s and peaks from S and SE; Table 2) with respect to  The monthly arrival time maps (Fig. 6A) show major differences
        the NCEP wind histogram (speed between 3.5 and 6.5 m/s with  on the 4- and 5-day contours, while the 1-day contour is constantly
        peaks from NW and SE; Table 1). In contrast, the results from the  located at a distance of about 10 miles from the MPA. The monthly
        adopted method (lower row) are quite different from the ‘receptor  probability maps (Fig. 6B) are similar to the arrival time maps near
        mode’ results. The overall extent of the area covered by the trajec-  the MPA, but differences emerge in the marginal area from Novem-
        tories is twice as large and the values of minimum arrival time and  ber to March, i.e. the period of higher variability. The monthly
        maximum probability are less concentrated around the MPA. These  maps of receptor points hit (Fig. 6C) are largely influenced by the
        aspects, together with the random distribution of the number of  oil transport variability. From November to March, large sea areas
        receptor points hit, show that realistic oil trajectories over a period  indicate potential impact with more than 60 receptor points (more
        of a few days are characterized by a higher variability than the tra-  than 62% of the MPA perimeter). The highest number of receptor
        jectories simulated by wind statistics and mean current field.  points hit occurred in December, south-west of MPA, with a poten-
                                                             tial impact on more than 80% of the MPA perimeter.
        3.2. Final results around the Egadi MPA
                                                             4. Discussion
          Results of the adopted method applied to the Egadi MPA are
        monthly maps of minimum arrival time (Fig. 6A), maximum prob-  The cases of maximum transport shown in Figs. 3 and 4 could
        ability (Fig. 6B) and number of receptor points hit (Fig. 6C). The  suggest that the wind is the main agent of oil transport in the
        extent of the area covered by the oil trajectories is larger in the cold  study area. However, wind is more variable than sea current in
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