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Egadi archipelago, these dive guides represent useful   understand  their importance and thus act for  their
           tools for professionals who work in and with the MPA   conservation. Books and the website are therefore a
           of Egadi Islands. The list of marine sites of interest has   tool for dissemination which stimulates the observation
           been recently implemented through the publication of   of the underwater environment, its natural features, as
           a diving guide also reporting archaeological itineraries   well as providing information to people  who  wish to
           around  the Egadi Islands [10]. Sustainable tourism is   undertake snorkeling and diving in a beautiful marine
           recognized as a high priority tool for environmental   environment. l
           and biological conservation.  This  project  has been
                                                                                  Silvia Cocito, Ivana Delbono, Mattia Barsanti,
           developed for residents, tourists and general users who          Giuseppina Di Nallo, Chiara Lombardi, Andrea Peirano
           wish to know more about marine biological resources,          ENEA, Sustainable Territorial and Production Systems Department

             references  [1] Agnesi V., Macaluso T., Orrù P., Ulzega A. (1993), “Paleogeografia dell’Arcipelago delle Egadi (Sicilia) nel Pleistocene sup. – Olocene”, Naturalista siciliano, supplemento 4,
                17(1-2), p. 3-22
              [2] AA.VV. (2009), “Relazione finale. Analisi e valutazione dello stato degli ecosistemi marini delle zone A e B in 4 Aree Marine Protette anche al fine di valutare l’efficacia delle
                misure di gestione delle stesse”, CoNISMa e Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare
              [3] Colantoni P., Ligi M., Morsiani M. P., Penitenti D. (1993),“Morphology and recent sedimentary evolution of the western Sicilian Continental Shelf”, Geological development of the
                Sicilian-Tunisian Platform. Unesco reports in marine science, 58, 93-98                              Research & development
              [4] Lo Iacono C., Guillén J. (2008), “Environmental conditions for gravelly and pebbly dunes and sorted bedforms on a moderate-energy inner shelf (Marettimo Island, Italy,
                western Mediterranean)”, Continental Shelf Research 28 (2008), 245-256
              [5] Lo Iacono C. (2004), “Geomorphologic, sedimentological and ecological aspects of Egadi Islands offshore (NW Tyrrhenian Sea)”, Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Naples, Italy.
                PhD Thesis, 150 pp., unpublished
              [6] Boudouresque C.F., Bernard G., Bonhomme P., Charbonnel E., Diviacco G., Meisnesz A., Pergent G., Pergent-Martini C., Ruitton S., Tunesi L. 2012. Protection and
                conservation of Posidonia oceanica meadows. Ramoge and RAC/SPA publisher, Tunis: 1-202
              [7] Duarte C.M. (2002) The future of seagrass meadows. Environmental Conservation 29(2): 192-206
              [8] Cocito S., Barsanti M., Delbono I., Lombardi C., Peirano A. (2012), Itinerari sommersi nell’Isola di Favignana, Isole Egadi, RES Edizioni, Sarzana (SP), 80 pp
              [9] Cocito S., Barsanti M., Delbono I., Lombardi C., Peirano A. (2014), Itinerari sommersi nelle isole di Marettimo e Levanzo, Isole Egadi”, RES Edizioni, Sarzana (SP), 72 pp
              [10] Tomasello A., Calvo S., La Rocca R., Di Maida G., Pirrotta M., Donati S., Russo M., Sieli G. (2014), “Area marina protetta Isole Egadi. Percorsi Naturalistici e Archeologici”.
                 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 167 pp. ISBN: 9788894004908

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