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Colliard et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2010, 10:232                                  Page 14 of 16

            DNA extraction and microsatellite data generation   Isolation by distance was investigated with Mantel
            DNA was extracted using the Qiagen DNeasy™kit.    tests (FSTAT) by regressing pairwise F ST /(1-F ST ) against
            Microsatellite primer (Bcal μ10) described by Rowe  the natural logarithm-transformed Euclidean geographic
            et al. [58] and six pairs of microsatellites (BaturaC203,  distances [64], for B. balearicus and B. siculus indepen-
            C205, C218, C223, D105, D5) developed by Colliard et  dently, selecting localities with ten or more samples.
            al. [24] were selected for analysis, due to their level of  Two sets of analyses were performed, including or not
            polymorphism and applicability in both species. PCR-  the three populations at the contact zone which showed
            amplification, electrophoresis and allele scoring were  mitochondrial introgression. A principal component
            performed as described in [24]. Multiplexing of PCR  analysis was conducted with PCAGEN [28] to visualize
            products was performed. For D105 and D5 we used a  pairwise differentiation among populations (F ST ), with
            mixture in a 1:3 ratio; Bcal μ10 was 5% diluted and  1000 randomizations of genotypes to test for signifi-
            mixed with C223 and C203 products in a 1:2:2 ratio.  cance of axes.
            The third multiplexing involved products of C218 and  In order to better determine potential signs of intro-
            C205 in a ratio of 1:2.                           gression between the two species, we used the Bayesian
                                                              clustering algorithm of STRUCTURE v. 2.2 [25]. We
            Mitotyping, sequencing and analyses of mitochondrial  used the admixture model and allowed for correlated
            DNA and nuclear DNA                               allele frequencies between populations, as recommended
            We used a mitotyping approach described in Colliard  by the authors for cases of subtle population structure.
            et al. [24] to detect the mtDNA haplotype group for all  We tested a range of cluster numbers (K) from 1 to the
            individuals. We also sequenced 577 bp of the mitochon-  number of localities per analysis, plus an additional
            drial control region (D-loop) [as described in [18]] in  three to enable us to potentially infer subtle structure.
            162 individuals from across the study area (Figure 2).  Each run, replicated 10 times, consisted of 10 itera-
              An intron of alpha-Tropomyosine, situated between  tions, after a “burn-in” of 10 . To infer which K best fits
            exons 5 and 6 was amplified, cloned and sequenced as  our data, we applied the ad hoc ΔK statistic developed
            described by Stöck et al. [23]. We used homologous  by Evanno et al. [26]. We performed three analyses: (1)
            sequences from 21 individuals from throughout the sam-  all Sicilian localities plus the lab-cross individuals; (2) all
            pling area plus one individual from a museum collection  B. siculus localities, and (3) all B. balearicus localities.
            coming from a locality near pop. 12. Four of these 22
            green toads came from the contact zone with assignment  Identification of hybrids
            values varying from 68% to 92% to either parental species.  Four alternative approaches were used to identify
              All mitochondrial and nuclear sequences were sub-  hybrids. First, we used the cluster assignment value
            mitted to GenBank (Acc.-Numbers HM852594-         (STRUCTURE, parameters as above, K = 2), considering
            HM852744, in part from [23]). Maximum likelihood  as hybrids all individuals with assignment values below
            (ML) phylogenies of mitochondrial and nuclear     90%. Second, we performed two analyses using NEW-
            sequence alignment were generated using PhyML ver-  HYBRIDS v.1.1 Beta3 [27] to assign Sicilian toads to
            sion 2.4.5 [59] and using HKY models according to  genotypic classes (parental, F 1 ,F 2 , backcrosses). The
            MrModeltest [60]. In each case, we choose a BioNJ as a  method computes Bayesian posterior probability that an
            starting tree, and optimized topology, branch length and  individual belongs to each of these different hybrid
            rate parameters. Other parameters were used as defaults  classes while simultaneously estimating allelic frequen-
            of the program. We generated bootstrap values based  cies for parental species. Runs were repeated several
            on 1000 resampled data sets.                      times with varying lengths of the “burn-in” and number
                                                              of sweeps, as recommended in the program manual.
            Genotype data analyses                            The first analysis was based on all Sicilian individuals.
            To exclude genotyping errors due to null alleles, stutter-  The second focused on populations where hybrids were
            ing and allelic drop-out, Micro-Checker v.2.2.3 [61] was  shown to occur or were likely to do so (pop. 12 to 16
            used. Genotypic linkage disequilibrium between each  and 18), with addition of few pre-assigned non-hybrid
            pair of loci per population was tested using ARLEQUIN  individuals from “pure” populations (pop. 9 to 11 and
            v. 3.0 [62]. Significance was adjusted for multiple tests  17), using the z option as recommended by the authors
            using Bonferroni corrections. Estimation of heterozygote  [27]. Third, we identified individuals as hybrids if they
            deficits and its significance was assessed using FSTAT v.  were assigned by STRUCTURE to one clade but con-
            2.9.4 [63]. For each microsatellite marker and species,  tained mtDNA from the other (= cyto-nuclear disequili-
            we estimated genetic diversity by calculating number of  brium). Finally, we compared the microsatellite allele
            alleles (Na), and within-sample expected heterozygosity  composition of Sicilian B. siculus and B. balearicus
            (Hs) (Additional file 1).                         populations far apart from the contact zone (i.e.,
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