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Colliard et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2010, 10:232                                  Page 13 of 16

            Pliocene divergence (3.6 Mya) [20], indicating a lack of  toads, and tail tips from tadpoles. Most adults were
            current gene exchange. By contrast, phylogeographic  released at the sampling sites, some vouchers were
            studies [e.g. [16,17]] have shown that clades of more  deposited in institutional collections [MVZ, NME,
            recent divergence [1.33 Mya; [17]] form “wide hybrid  ZFMK,details Appendix 1in23],and tissues were
            zone(s) with a considerable genetic exchange between  stored in 98% ethanol and/or at -20°C.
            the two gene pools” [16], suggesting that reproductive
            barriers are still low or inexistent.             Crossing experiments
              The observed post-mating barriers (hybrid breakdown)  Toad crosses were performed with mature adult males
            in Sicilian green toads certainly induce selection to act  and females in a naturally reproductive state during the
            against hybridization. Therefore, we expect some pre-  breeding period in spring. Females were stimulated to
            mating mechanisms to have evolved since the first con-  spawn by injection of 0.1 ml of a 0.9% NaCl-solution
            tact of these allopatrically evolved lineages, which might  containing 500-1000 IU of human choriogonadotropin
            also explain the absence of F 1 -hybrids. These two spe-  (Sigma).
            cies have already been shown to differ in breeding phe-  A first crossing experiment was made in the laboratory
            nology [23]. Pre-mating isolation between closely related  in 2007 between a female B. balearicus (Si 41, pop. 11)
            species (through mating calls and female choice) is  and a male B. siculus (Si 11, pop. 22), from which 200 F 1 -
            widespread in anurans, sometimes even in absence of  hybrid tadpoles were raised. Ten randomly chosen off-
            post-mating isolation [56]. The nature of barriers might  spring were genotyped and added to our sampling
            also affect the structure of hybrid zones, since, due to  ("population 25”). Seven others crossing experiments
            female choice, mtDNA is expected to introgress more  were made in the laboratory in 2009 using two B. balear-
            readily than nuclear DNA under pre-zygotic isolation  icus individuals (male: Si 336; female: Si337; Sicily, Mar-
            mechanisms (and even more so when the invading spe-  ina S. Biagio, pop. 9), two B. siculus individuals (male: Si
            cies is relatively rare compared to residents) [57].  334; female:Si335;Sicily,Pergusa Lake,provinceof
            Further insights on the evolutionary interactions  Enna, 37°31’00.29” N, 14°18’04.34"E, W of pop. 18 and
            between B. siculus and B. balearicus populations might  19) and two F 1 -hybrid individuals coming from the first
            be gained by collecting bio-acoustic and mate-choice  crossing experiment (male: Cross 13; female: Cross 11).
            data, together with additional crossing experiments.  As no proper control for intraspecific crosses could be
              Whatever the exact causes, our data clearly show a  performed (due to lack of available females), we provide
            virtual absence of gene flow at the present contact zone  results from intraspecific matings of other green toad
            (corroborated with a hybrid breakdown in backcrosses  lineages (Table 3: Control 1: B. turanensis,Control2: B.
            and F 2 ), meaning that the speciation process can be  pewzowi), which were raised under identical conditions.
            considered as close to have reached complete reproduc-  Crossing pairs from 2009 were observed during
            tive isolation after some 2.7 My of divergence. These  amplexus every hour. When 10-15 cm of clutch strings
            field data contrast sharply with the results from experi-  had been deposited, couples were removed from the
            mental hybridization in anurans, which show that some  tank and separated, animals were rinsed to avoid sperm
            lineages may still produce viable F 1 offspring after ca. 20  contamination and arranged in new cross combinations
            My of divergence (see Background). Information on F 1 -  in another tank (see Table 3 for cross combinations).
            hybridizability or viability gained under laboratory con-  Clutch was left untouched until hatching or until visi-
            ditions may thus grossly overestimate the time required  ble signs of dying eggs/embryos were found that had to
            for genetic isolation and speciation to occur in anurans.  be removed to avoid a chain-reaction of embryo suffoca-
                                                              tion. After one month, 100 tadpoles were randomly cho-
            Methods                                           sen among the surviving (if so) offspring, raised in
            Sampling                                          shallow oxygenated aquaria and fed with Elodea plants
            Samples from 323 specimens of green toads were col-  and fish food (Tetramin) under identical conditions.
            lected during intense fieldwork between 2004 and 2007  After the second month of development, percentage of
            at 24 localities across the Italian Peninsula and Sicily  surviving tadpoles was determined by individual counts.
            (Figure 1 and Table 1). Italian Peninsula was added to  All of these tadpoles were further raised until metamor-
            the sampling to allow us to understand the context of  phosis or death. Toadlets were fed with Drosophila and
            the B. balearicus invasion in Sicily and to compare Sici-  juvenile crickets, and mealworms with weekly additions
            lian B. balearicus genotypes with those of mainland ori-  of calcium and vitamins. Illumination of terrariums
            gin. A few samples came from scientific collections  included sun-light spectrum fluorescent lamps including
            (MVZ, NME, ZFMK) or were collected throughout the  a natural-like UV fraction. Clutch,embryonic,tadpole
            years (e.g. road-kills). Tissue samples consisted of finger  and juvenile development were documented photogra-
            tips and muscles (road kill) from sub adult and adult  phically (Figures 5 to 7).
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