Page 8 - Colliard_ali_2010
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Colliard et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2010, 10:232                                   Page 8 of 16

            Table 3 Crossing experiments
             Cross   Cross  Female Species/  Male  Species/  Nof  Ca.%  Nof      %       Remarks  Survival at day
                     type         hybrid       hybrid  available  Estimated  tadpoles  Survival      40 after
                                                      tadpoles  hatching  (2 months (2 months     metamorphosis
                                                      (at day 7  success  after  after
                                                       after          spawning) spawning)
               1      F 1   Si41  balearicus  Si11  siculus  200  > 80   158     79    malformations,  150
                                                                                       some dwarfed
                                                                                        or leucistic
               2      F 1   Si337  balearicus Si334  siculus  100  > 80  98      98     died through  N.A.
               3      F 1   Si335  siculus  Si336 balearicus  100  > 80  93      93         -          4
               4    Backcross  Si337  balearicus  F 1  F 1 (bal. ×  100  > 80  84  84   67 (big), 17   2
                     (F 1 ×              Cross  sic.)                                     (small)
                    parental              13
               5    Backcross  Si335  siculus  F 1  F 1 (bal. ×  100  > 80  91   91         -          0
                     (F 1 ×              Cross  sic.)
                    parental              13
               6    Backcross  F 1  F 1 (bal. ×  Si334  siculus  100  ca. 50  1   1         -          0
                     (F 1 ×  Cross  sic.)
                    parental  11
               7    Backcross  F 1  F 1 (bal. ×  Si336 balearicus  28  ca. 30  24  85.7  1 color mutant,  0
                     (F 1 ×  Cross  sic.)                                               all dead (at
                    parental  11                                                        day 116 after
                    species)                                                             spawning)
               8    F 2 (F 1 ×  F 1  F 1 (bal. ×  F 1  F 1 (bal. ×  100  ca. 20  0  0   all dead (at   0
                      F 1 )  Cross  sic.)  Cross  sic.)                                 day 17 after
                             11           13                                             spawning)
            Control1  Intra-  Ky109  turanensis Ky103 turanensis  50*  > 80  48  94         -          47
            Control2  Intra-  Ky100  pewzowi  Ky87  pewzowi  50*  > 80   47      90         -          45
            Cross number, cross type, sexes, species, estimated hatching success, numbers of tadpoles at 7 day and two months after spawning, percentage of survival two
            months after spawning, remarks and survival at day 40 after metamorphosis for each cross. *Note, in controls from two related green toad species, only 50
            tadpoles were further raised.

            backcrossing of fertile F 1 -females with their paternal  by the patterns of genetic differentiation: The two popu-
            species. Though no F 1 -hybrids were detected in the  lations each side of the contact zone (pop. 14 and 15),
            field, theoccurrence ofrareand symmetriceventsof  though harboring a mix of mitochondrial haplotypes
            hybridization was confirmed by a few backcrosses (F 2 or  from both lineages, display the highest differentiation
            more) identified via STRUCTURE and NEWHYBRIDS     value observed in the study area (pairwise F ST = 0.52).
            in both B. siculus and B. balearicus populations, as well  Populations at the contact zone (clusters b3 and s3) are
            as a two-way leak of diagnostic nuclear alleles.  actually the ones most differentiated on the first PCA-
              However, nuclear introgression was surprisingly low  GEN factors (Figure 4).
            overall. The transition between tropomyosine alleles  Genetic drift certainly plays a role in this strong local
            from the two clades was abrupt, occurring at some  differentiation. The B. balearicus populations at the con-
            point between populations 14 (Giarre) and 15 (Gravina),  tact zone represent the front wave of a recent expan-
            separated by just 16 km. The same holds for autosomal  sion, as evidenced by the drastic decrease in genetic
            microsatellites in general, since STRUCTURE assigned  diversity from mainland Italy (Hs = 0.74) to the south-
            (with 100% probability) all individuals from pop. 14 to  ernmost populations (Hs = 0.38 in population 14). Drift
            balearicus, and all individuals from pop. 15 to siculus  is certainly further amplified by the geographic localiza-
            (Figure 3). The sharpness of this transition is underlined  tion of the contact zone: The geographical bottleneck
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