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Colliard et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2010, 10:232                                   Page 7 of 16

                                      15               7

                            Axis 2: 13.13% inertia, P=0.001  20 19 16  21  3  5  6 2 11 4 10 1 9  8  13  14



                                                   Axis 1: 40.36% inertia, P= 0.001
              Figure 4 Principal component analysis based on pairwise F ST over all populations. Both axes are significant (P < 0.001). Samples are
              encoded as in Table 1. Colored ellipsoids correspond to clusters shown in Figure 1b and were only drawn for better visualization.

            B. balearicus) showed much lower survival after meta-  divergence was also sufficient to bring the speciation
            morphosis (Table 3).                              process close to completion.
              We raised about 160 F 1 -metamorphs from the 2007  On the one hand, the endemic B. siculus,ofNorth-
            cross to a snout-vent-length of ca. 2 cm, and kept 50  African origin [home of its sister clade B. boulengeri;
            of them until secondary sexual characters became visi-  [23]], occupies the western and southern parts of Sicily,
            ble (paler coloration and nuptial pads of males).  plus two small islands off the north-western coasts
            Though sex ratio was approximately even, we noticed  (Ustica and Favignana) [23]. On the other hand,
            about 30% of dwarfed F 1 -males that reached only  B. balearicus occupies the north-eastern part of Sicily.
            about two-thirds the size of normal individuals. Ten  Based on their geographical localization and patterns of
            males and ten females were further raised until matur-  genetic similarity with mainland Italy, we infer that
            ity (Figures 5g-h). In spring 2009, we used one F 1 of  these Sicilian B. balearicus populations recently origi-
            each sex to produce F 2 -hybrids (F 1 ×F 1 ) and recipro-  nated from close-by Calabrian populations. Faunal
            cal backcrosses with either B. siculus or B. balearicus  exchange across the Strait of Messina [including amphi-
            (one new, wild-caught male and one female each, Fig-  bians [29]] are well documented for the Upper Pleisto-
            ure 6). F 2 -hybrids turned out to be unviable, with all  cene [30]. From our genetic analyses, these two species
            tadpoles dying a few days after hatching. While 200  nowadays meet at the eastern coast of Sicily, between
            out of 328 tadpoles from the backcrosses were still  the Mount Etna and the Ionian Sea. We cannot exclude
            alive two months after spawning, they presented, a  that another contact exists along the North coast
            number of developmental abnormalities, including  (north-west of Mount Etna), but could not find any cur-
            greenish individuals and a bimodal size distribution  rently occupied site in this area despite thorough
            within thesamecross (Figure7), andsufferedfrom    examination.
            dramatic mortality at later stages, with two individuals  Though very restricted, the documented contact zone
            only surviving after metamorphosis.               shows signs of past hybridization, with differential intro-
                                                              gression patterns depending on markers. Mitochondrial
            Discussion                                        alleles show a clear North-South cline, where the fre-
            Our study shows that two distinct lineages of green  quency of balearicus haplotypes progressively decreases
            toads (Bufo viridis subgroup) occur parapatrically in  from 94% (pop. 13, Calatabiano) to 0% (pop. 16, Mister-
            Sicily. These lineages have diverged some 2.7 My ago  bianco) over a distance of ca 40 km. Cytonuclear dise-
            [23], a time frame long enough to allow significant dif-  quilibrium occurred in individuals from both species,
            ferentiation on both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA  pointing to a two-way introgression. This presumably
            sequences (Figure 2). As our study further shows, this  involved symmetric events of hybridization, followed by
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