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Colliard et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2010, 10:232                                   Page 2 of 16

              Under natural conditions, however, reproductive isola-  sequences show two highly homogeneous and strongly
            tion could arise much earlier than detected in the  distinct clades (Figure 2), corresponding to B. balearicus
            laboratory. In frogs, as in many other taxa, “surveys of  and B. siculus. The tropomyosine tree displays a clear
            natural hybrid zones (...) in the field are needed to com-  geographic pattern: the balearicus clade includes all
            plement laboratory-based studies to establish the signifi-  individuals from mainland Italy (populations 1 to 8, Fig-
            cance and strength of specific barriers in nature” [7].  ure 1, Table 1) and north-eastern Sicily, southwards to
            Little is known about secondary contact in allopatrically  population 14 (east coast), while the siculus clade
            diverged lineages of anurans, where reproductive isola-  includes individuals from western and southern Sicilian
            tion may quickly arise as a result of reinforcement [8],  populations, from population 15 (East coast) south-west-
            in addition to genetic drift and local adaptation. Extant  wards. This pattern points to a very narrow contact
            studies of contact zones in anurans have mostly focused  zone separating populations 14 and 15, between the
            on hybrid fitness [9,10] or on mechanisms of pre- or  Mount Etna and the Ionian coast (Figure 1b).
            post-mating isolation [9-15]. Such studies classically  The mtDNA clades also show a clear geographic sig-
            relied on allozymes [e.g. [9,11-13]] or (more recently)  nal, with however, some overlap. Populations from
            nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers [e.g.       mainland Italy (pop. 1 to 8) and north-eastern Sicily
            [10,14,15]], but often lack any molecular-based estimates  (pop. 9 to 12) present only balearicus haplotypes, and
            of divergence times, which are at best inferred from  populations from western and southern Sicily (pop. 16
            geological information. Some phylogeographic studies  to 24) only siculus, but haplotypes from both clades are
            include molecular-based estimates of divergence time [e.  found in populations 13 to 15, around the contact zone
            g. [16-20]], but very few have combined such estimates  identified with tropomyosine.
            with multi-locus transect approaches to infer the time  These phylogenetic trees also provide evidence for
            required to reach reproductive isolation in natural con-  past hybridization, as revealed by cytonuclear disequili-
            texts [e.g. [8,21,22]].                           bria (see highlighted individuals in Figure 2): one indivi-
              The current study focuses on Palearctic green toads  dual from pop. 14 possesses balearicus tropomyosine
            [Bufo viridis subgroup, [18]]. After range-wide phylogeo-  alleles but a siculus mtDNA-haplotype, while three indi-
            graphic analyses, secondary contact zones of clades were  viduals from pop. 15 present siculus tropomyosine
            predicted [18,23], in which possible hybridization can be  alleles but balearicus mtDNA haplotypes.
            examined using fast evolving molecular markers. To do  These patterns of mitochondrial distribution were
            this, we recently developed microsatellites for two West-  widely confirmed by larger-scale mitotyping (Figure 1).
            Mediterranean species [24]: B. balearicus (Boettger 1880;  All populations on the Apennine Peninsula (pop. 1 to 8)
            Peninsular Italy, north-eastern Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia,  and four populations (pop. 9 to 12) from the North-East
            Balearic Islands), and B. siculus [[23]; endemic to Sicily,  of Sicily presented only B. balearicus haplotypes. All
            Figure 1]. Using a Bayesian-coalescence approach  populations from western and southern Sicily (pop. 16
            (mtDNA control region and 16 S rRNA), divergence time  to 22) and the two islands off the coast of western Sicily
            for the two species was estimated to late Pliocene (2.7  (pop. 23, 24) presented only B. siculus haplotypes. In the
            My), with a range from the early Pliocene (4.9 My) to  three populations east of Mount Etna (pop. 13 to 15),
            Pleistocene (1.1 My) [23]. A single record of Italian main-  both B. balearicus and B. siculus haplotypes were pre-
            land-origin B. balearicus in north-eastern Sicily [18] sug-  sent, with a marked north-south cline (Table 2): The
            gests their recent (late Pleistocene) invasion into Sicily,  frequency of balearicus haplotypes declined from
            where they may secondarily meet the endemic B. siculus.  93.75% in Calatabiano (pop. 13) to 68% in Giarre (pop.
              In this work, we combined mitochondrial and nuclear  14) and 50% in Gravina (pop. 15), down to 0% in Mis-
            intronic sequences with multilocus microsatellite mar-  terbianco (pop. 16).
            kers to examine (i) whether B. siculus and B. balearicus
            meet each other in north-eastern Sicily, (ii) if so,  Autosomal microsatellites and population-genetics
            whether these two closely related species hybridize, and  analyses
            (iii) in such a case, what are the patterns of hybridiza-  There was no evidence for allelic dropout from any
            tion. In parallel, we conducted limited and preliminary  locus in any population. Null alleles at low frequencies
            experimental crosses to help interpreting field data.  were detected (and corrections performed) in one popu-
                                                              lation each for loci C203 (pop. 14) and D105 (pop. 13),
            Results                                           and in two populations each for loci C218 (pop. 6, 22),
            Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences and       C223 (pop. 18, 21) and D5 (pop. 17, 18). Tests for link-
            mitotyping                                        age disequilibrium between loci (after sequential Bonfer-
            Both of the phylogenetic trees built from mitochondrial  roni corrections) revealed four significant combinations
            (D-loop) and nuclear (Tropomyosine intron) DNA    (Bcal μ10 × C203 for pop. 9, D5 × Bcal μ10 for pop. 15,
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