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Colliard et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2010, 10:232                                   Page 4 of 16

              Figure 2 Phylogenetic trees of mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Maximum likelihood trees based on 577 bp of the mitochondrial d-loop
              (left, a), and of several clones (cl.) obtained from 580 bp of an intron of tropomyosine, situated between exons 5 and 6 (right, b). Specimen
              number (sometimes several with same haplotype and locality) is followed by locality information and population number (as in Figure 1 and
              Table 1). Individuals highlighted in colour possess a d-loop haplotype group of one species but tropomyosine alleles from the opposite species.

            C223 × Bcal μ10 for pop. 18, D105 × C205 for pop. 23).  clades. All individuals from population 14 were assigned
            Afew B. siculus populations showed some heterozygote  with a 100% probability to balearicus, and all individuals
            deficit (Additional file 1), presumably due to sampling  from the population 15 with 100% probability to siculus.
            design (substructures may arise when pooling tadpoles  As a matter of fact, potential hybrids appear very few
            or adults from several nearby ponds).             (altogether four individuals with assignment probabilities
              Bayesian clustering assignment using STRUCTURE  lower than 90% to either parental species), and largely
            [25] largely confirmed the nuclear information from  backcrossed (assignment probabilities to the alternative
            Tropomyosine. All populations from Sicily were clearly  parental species lower than 25%).
            grouped into two clusters [K = 2; [26]] corresponding to  This pattern was confirmed by NEWHYBRIDS [27],
            B. balearicus and B. siculus gene pools respectively (Fig-  which, when including all Sicilian populations, correctly
            ure 3). All individuals from populations 9 to 14 were  assigned all experimental crosses as F 1 -hybrids, and
            assigned to B. balearicus, while all individuals from  identified four wild-caught individuals as possible F 2 -
            populations 15 to 24 were assigned to B. siculus.Ten  hybrids (two each from pop. 13 and 18, details in Addi-
            F 1 -hybrids from an experimental cross between a female  tional file 2). When focusing on populations where
            balearicus (pop. 11) and a male siculus (pop. 22) were  hybrids occurred or were likely to do so (pop. 12 to 16
            correctly assigned a 50% probability of belonging to  and 18), while pre-assigning pop. 9 to 11 and 17 as pure
            either balearicus or siculus (pop. 25). Surprisingly, the  B. balearicus and B. siculus, respectively, no nuclear
            two populations north and south of the contact zone  hybrids were detected. Finally, diagnostic alleles also
            (pop. 14 and 15) did not show any sign of hybridization  suggested faint signs of past hybridizations (Additional
            or gene flow, despite harboring mtDNA from both   file 3). We found B. siculus alleles in three individuals
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