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Colliard et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2010, 10:232

             RESEARCH ARTICLE                                                                Open Access

            Strong reproductive barriers in a narrow hybrid

            zone of West-Mediterranean green toads (Bufo

            viridis subgroup) with Plio-Pleistocene divergence

            Caroline Colliard , Alessandra Sicilia , Giuseppe Fabrizio Turrisi , Marco Arculeo , Nicolas Perrin , Matthias Stöck 1*
              Background: One key question in evolutionary biology deals with the mode and rate at which reproductive
              isolation accumulates during allopatric speciation. Little is known about secondary contacts of recently diverged
              anuran species. Here we conduct a multi-locus field study to investigate a contact zone between two lineages of
              green toads with an estimated divergence time of 2.7 My, and report results from preliminary experimental crosses.
              Results: The Sicilian endemic Bufo siculus and the Italian mainland-origin B. balearicus form a narrow hybrid zone
              east of Mt. Etna. Despite bidirectional mtDNA introgression over a ca. 40 km North-South cline, no F 1 hybrids could
              be found, and nuclear genomes display almost no admixture. Populations from each side of the contact zone
              showed depressed genetic diversity and very strong differentiation (F ST = 0.52). Preliminary experimental crosses
              point to a slightly reduced fitness in F 1 hybrids, a strong hybrid breakdown in backcrossed offspring (F 1 x parental,
              with very few reaching metamorphosis) and a complete and early mortality in F 2 (F 1 xF 1 ).
              Conclusion: Genetic patterns at the contact zone are molded by drift and selection. Local effective sizes are
              reduced by the geography and history of the contact zone, B. balearicus populations being at the front wave of a
              recent expansion (late Pleistocene). Selection against hybrids likely results from intrinsic genomic causes (disruption
              of coadapted sets of genes in backcrosses and F 2 -hybrids), possibly reinforced by local adaptation (the ranges of
              the two taxa roughly coincide with the borders of semiarid and arid climates). The absence of F 1 in the field might
              be due to premating isolation mechanisms. Our results, show that these lineages have evolved almost complete
              reproductive isolation after some 2.7 My of divergence, contrasting sharply with evidence from laboratory
              experiments that some anuran species may still produce viable F 1 offspring after > 20 My of divergence.

            Background                                        distances among 50 species pairs, Wilson et al. [4]
            One key question in evolutionary biology deals with the  showed that frogs could still produce viable hybrids with
            mode and rate at which reproductive isolation accumu-  an average immunological distance of 7.4% (= ca. 21
            lates during allopatric speciation [for overview: [1]].  My). Using Blair’s [5] crossing experiments in Bufo,
            Johns and Avise [2] estimated the average mitochondrial  Malone & Fontenot [6] showed the hatching success,
            DNA (mtDNA)-based genetic distance between conge-  the number of larvae produced, and the percentage of
            neric species in amphibians to be > 7.0 My, suggesting  tadpoles reaching metamorphosis to be inversely related
            absence of natural hybridization in taxa of that age. A  with genetic divergence, some metamorphosing off-
            few major results on intrinsic reproductive isolation in  spring being still produced with a distance of 8%
            anurans come from artificial hybridization experiments.  (mtDNA). All of these laboratory data suggest that
            Sasa et al. [3] reported hybrid sterility or inviability in  reproductive isolation increases gradually with phyloge-
            46 frog species to be positively correlated with Nei’s  netic distance, presumably driven by complex genomic
            genetic distance (allozymes). Measuring albumin   processes rather than by a few speciation genes, and
                                                              that very large time scales (in the order of tens of mil-
            * Correspondence:         lions of years) are required to achieve hybrid infertility
             Department of Ecology and Evolution, Biophore, University of Lausanne,  or inviability.
            CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
                                     © 2010 Colliard et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
                                     Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
                                     any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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