Page 9 - Colliard_ali_2010
P. 9

Colliard et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2010, 10:232                                   Page 9 of 16

              Figure 5 Crosses of green toads from Sicily. a: Cross B. balearicus female × B. siculus male; b: reciprocal cross B. siculus × B. balearicus; c-h F 1 -
              offspring from cross shown in a; c-d: offspring in the age of seven days, showing dead and malformed embryos and tadpoles in comparison
              with apparently normally developing ones; e: about one-months old normal tadpole (left) in comparison with leucistic “large” tadpole (right); f:
              in the age of two months (from left to right): retarded tadpole, “giant” leucistic tadpole with developmental arrest, malformed dwarfed tadpole,
              leucistic tadpole that turned later out to be incapable of metamorphosis, apparently normally metamorphosing tadpole; g: adult, two-year-old
              F 1 -male; h: adult, two-year-old F 1 -female. Photographs: M. Stöck.
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