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Colliard et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2010, 10:232                                   Page 5 of 16

            Table 1 Localities, major regions of origin, geographic coordinates (degrees) and number of green toad samples from
            larvae, subadults and adults
            Localities        Region   Longitude  Latitude  Individuals  Tadpoles  Subadults  Adults  Males  Females
            1 (Poirino)       IP        7.846     44.920     5         0         0       5       -       -
            2 (Pavia)         IP        9.142     45.155     3         0         0       3       -       -
            3 (Morrovalle)    IP        13.586    43.280     4         0         0       4       -       -
            4 (Laurentina)    IP        12.548    41.645     2         0         0       2       -       -
            5 (Brindisi)      IP        17.475    40.586     10        9         0       0       -       -
            6 (Lecce)         IP        18.174    40.353     11        11        0       0       -       -
            7 (Paola)         IP        16.033    39.35      1         0         0       1       0       1
            8 (Condofuri)     IP        15.894    37.985     30        19        1       10      9       -
            9 (San Pier Niceto)  Sicily  15.318   38.211     22        12        0       10     10       -
            10 (Mazzarrà)     Sicily    15.138    38.096     28        7         0       21     20       -
            11 (Torrenova)    Sicily    14.699    38.118     2         0         0       2       -       2
            12 (Fiumefreddo)  Sicily    15.23     37.789     2         0         0       2       1       1
            13 (Calatabiano)  Sicily    15.243    37.796     17        0         1       16     14       2
            14 (Giarre)       Sicily    15.174    37.691     25        0         0       25     21       4
            15 (Gravina)      Sicily    15.063    37.561     26        0         4       22     21       1
            16 (Misterbianco)  Sicily   15.022    37.476     24        24        0       0       -       -
            17 (Augusta)      Sicily    15.08     37.334     21        0         8       13      9       3
            18 (Centuripe)    Sicily    14.788    37.643     17        0         0       17     13       4
            19 (Bronte)       Sicily    14.813    37.698     3         0         0       3       1       1
            20 (Monte Carbonara)  Sicily  14.025  37.894     1         0         0       1       1       -
            21 (Monte Pellegrino)  Sicily  13.352  38.17     31        0         1       30      -       -
            22 (La Fossa)     Sicily    13.292    38.213     18        0         0       18     17       1
            23 (Ustica)       Island    13.172    38.701     15        5         0       10      -       -
            24 (Favignana)    Island    12.36     37.921     5         4         0       1       0       -
                   Total                                    323       91        15      216     137     20
            Sexes were only determined in a subset of adults (IP: Italian Peninsula).

            assigned as B. balearicus using STRUCTURE (one from  haplotypes) form a cluster of their own. However, this
            pop. 13 and two from pop. 14), and B. balearicus alleles  pattern is clearly not generated by nuclear gene flow
            in six individuals assigned as B. siculus (four in pop. 15  between the two species. Indeed, from pair-wise F ST
            and two in pop. 18). All of these analyses concur to sug-  values, the strongest differentiation (F ST = 0.52, Addi-
            gest limited events of nuclear introgression.     tional file 4) actually occurs between the two popula-
              In order to fine-tune our analysis of potential gene  tions (pop. 14 and 15) from each side of the contact
            flow, we performed separate STRUCTURE analyses for  zone,ascomparedtoanaverage value of0.32between
            B. balearicus and B. siculus populations. Substructure  allospecific populations (and 0.18 between conspecific
            within B. balearicus was best explained with K = 3 (Fig-  populations). This unexpected result was confirmed by a
            ure 1b). Cluster b1 contained individuals from mainland  principal component analysis [PCAGEN; [28]] aimed at
            Italy, cluster b2 individuals from north-eastern Sicilian  extracting factors maximizing genetic differentiation
            populations, and cluster b3 individuals from populations  among populations (Figure 4). Two factors turn out to
            close to the contact zone. Interestingly population 8 (tip  be significant, explaining respectively 40.4 and 13.1% of
            of Calabria) showed admixture of mainland Italy and  the total differentiation (F ST ). The first one accounts for
            Sicilian genotypes. Substructure within B. siculus was  the contrast between B. siculus (left) and B. balearicus
            similarly best explained with K = 3 (Figure 1b). Cluster  (right). The three B. balearicus clusters identified with
            s2 contained individuals from the vast majority of popu-  STRUCTURE differentiate along this axis, with lowest
            lations (including off coast islands, pop. 23 and 24),  values for b1 (mainland Italy, pop. 1 to 7), and highest
            except for populations 21 and 22 (north-western coast  values for b3 (pop. 12 to 14, close to the contact zone).
            of Sicily, cluster s1) and population 15 at the contact  The three B. siculus clusters differentiate mostly on the
            zone (cluster s3).                                second factor, with lowest values for s1 (north-western
              Hence, in both species, the populations close to the  coast, pop. 21 and 22) and highest values for s3 (pop.
            hybrid  zone  (showing  coexistence  of  mtDNA    15, close to the contact zone).
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10