Page 17 - DAnna_Badalamenti_alii_2013
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conservation measures in the Egadi MPA. Egadi regulations allowing for
some changes in the B zone.
[11]National: DI of 27 Dec 1991, Ministries of the 1991 It establishes the Egadi MPA.
Italy Environment and of the Merchant Navy -
Institution of the Egadi MPA.
[12]National: Act no. 9 of 9 January 1991 (GU no. 13 of 1991 Art. 4 prohibits surveys and
Italy 16 Jan 1991) - Implementation of the new extraction of hydrocarbons in
national energy plan. the waters of the Egadi Islands.
[13]National: Act no. 979 of 31 Dec 1982 (GU no. 16 of 1983 It contains provisions for the
Italy 18 Jan 1983) - Provisions for the defence of defence of the sea. Art. 31
the sea. identifies the Egadi MPA and
the Pelagie MPA.
[14]Regional: DDG no. 434 of 08 August 2012 , Regional 2012 It approves the “Egadi Islands
Sicily Department for the Territory and Management Plan”, which
Environment. includes the “Archipelago of
Egadi marine and terrestrial
area”, “Island of Favignana”,
“Island of Marettimo” and
“Island of Levanzo” Natura
2000 sites. Valorisation and
sustainable use of Natura 2000
sites promoting some
economic activities within
SACs and SPAs.
[15]Local: Deliberation of the Director of Egadi MPA, 2012 It provides economic incentives
Egadi MPA 2010. Project “Vedette del mare” for the surveillance of the MPA
management (Guardians of the sea). and the sighting of protected
body marine species in the area.
[16]Local: Deliberation of Trapani Municipal 2012 Integrative regulations for the
Municipality Government of Favignana n. 33 of the 29 organization of the activities
of Favignana February 2012 allowed in the Egadi MPA.
2.3 What measures and actions have been put forward by such policies, legislations, regulations
and/or plans listed above in your case study, in order to promote the achievement of the priority
Please briefly summarise the measures and actions here; the details of how such measures and
actions have been implemented on the ground and how effective they are should be described in the
incentives section below.
National policies, legislations and regulations aim at providing general guideline about the
management of the Egadi MPA and assisting the municipality of Favignana holding the protected area.
In particular, they provide standard criteria for the definition of conservation measures to be applied in
the MPA. They also contain the framework of the main principles for the management of Natura 2000
sites, which include the Egadi MPA. Some national actions aim at creating technical institutions for
the establishment and update of MPAs. Other actions provide criteria for MPAs functioning and for
the choosing of MPAs management body. Some ministerial decrees provided for the institution and
later modifications of the Egadi MPA. Several measures contain provisions for the defence of the
Egadi MPA from human impacts (i.e., extractive activities). The Ministry of the Environment is also
expected to provide funds for the MPA functioning.
Local measures and actions are contained in the Sicilian legislation, in the “Egadi Islands management
plan” and in the regulations put forward by the municipalities linked to the Egadi MPA. Some aspects