Page 20 - DAnna_Badalamenti_alii_2013
P. 20

(a) Council of Ministers no. 35 of 15   2012  Protection of the Egadi sea bottom
                                                                       from the extractive use of non-living
                      [5] Extractive non- living resources   Conservation   corrective”.           2010   off-shore that were in progress at the
                             Jun 2012. It a approves the measures

                                                                       marine resources except for the
                             for a sustainable growth in Italy, which
                             include the so called “environmental
                                                                       licensors in the field of hydrocarbons

                                                                       date of entry into force of the new


                                                                       It prohibits the activities of
                             (b) DL no. 128 of 29 June 2010.
                                                                       prospecting, exploration and
                             It prohibits extractive activities within

                                                                       production of gas and crude oil within
                             12 nm from the shoreline or from MPA
                                                                          12 miles from MPAs.
                             DDG no. 531 of 10 September 2012,   2012  It aims at sustaining such economic
                             Regional Department of Fisheries.         activities as tourism which mainly
                      [6] Fishing   Tourism   development of the fishing zones of the   areas.
                             It approves the Plan for the sustainable
                                                                       involve fishermen of small fishing
                             “Towers and tuna traps of the Trapani
                             coastline” GAC (Coastal Action
                             Groups). Measure 4.1 of the European
                             Fisheries Fund (EFF)                2012  It aims to improve joined actions for
                             DDG no. 83 of  February 2012,

                             It approves a public call related to the
                                                                       development and entrepreneurial
                    [7]   Conservation   Tourism   Regional Department of Environment.   the protection, sustainable
                                                                       promotion of the Sicilian Ecological
                             operational objective 3.2.2 -
                             intervention line of the P.O.
                             FESR Sicilia 2007/2013.                   Network (Natura 2000).
                             Act  no. 164/1998 (GU no. 124 of 30   1999  It aims to  enforce the “Pescaturismo”
                      [08] Fishing   Tourism   1999, Ministry of Agriculture, Food
                                                                       (i.e. fishing tourism) regulations.
                             May 1998); DM no. 293 of 13 Apr
                             and Forests.
                             Regulation of the “Pescaturismo”

               3      Conflicts
               Describe the conflicts generated by the implementation of the above management measures (section
               2.3) aimed at achieving the priority objective; such conflicts will generally include:-

               •      Primary conflicts between environmental conservation and resources use
               •      Secondary conflicts between different sectors/users

               Wherever possible, please describe the conflicts in the competition for sea space and related impacts in
               accordance with the following eight categories:-

               •      Extractive use of living marine resources (e.g. fishing)
               •      Extractive  use  of  non-living  marine  resources  (e.g.  aggregate  extraction,  oil-and-gas
               •      Mariculture
               •      Commercial shipping
               •      Biodiversity conservation
               •      Marine renewables
               •      Amenity/recreation/tourism

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