Page 21 - DAnna_Badalamenti_alii_2013
P. 21

•      Military activities

               Maps of the distribution of different activities can be used here to illustrate the spatial scale of the
               conflicts.  However,  please  describe  and  discuss  the  conflicts  rather  than  just  trying  to  present  and
               address them through a matrix, as this general approach has already been followed through WP3.

               The implementation of the above listed management measures (sections 2.3) provides, on the paper,
               the legislative and management basis to facilitate the achievement of the priority objective. All the
               legislations and regulations listed in the section 2.4. interact with the priority objective but, while some
               of  them  are  articulated  in  synergy  with  it,  others  generate  conflicts  with  the  conservation  of  the
               biodiversity in the Egadi MPA.
               The primary conflict in our sub-case study is between fisheries and conservation and between tourism
               and conservation while the secondary conflict is between fisheries and tourism.

               Fisheries vs conservation
               The  Egadi  Islands  host  highly  productive  fishing  grounds  exploited  for  a  long  time  by  fishermen
               coming also from nearby areas. The institution of the Egadi MPA (Decree of 27 Dec 1991) originated
               an  immediate  reaction  from  trawlers  and  small-scale  fishermen  from  adjacent  harbours  (Trapani,
               Marsala and Mazara del Vallo) due to the fishing ground reduction caused by the MPA: there was a
               strike of trawlers who blocked the activities of the Trapani harbour for days. Fishermen declared that
               they  had  not  been  involved  and  informed  about  the  institution  of  the  MPA,  obtained  a  90-day
               suspension  of  the  MPA  start  and,  as  a  sort  of  special  concession,  a  D  zone  open  to  trawling  was
               created that included the deep trawling grounds between the three islands, also as a mean for linking
               the A-B-C zones around the islands. By the way, a D zone does not exist in any other Italian MPA.
               According  to  the  interviews  there  are  contrasting  attitudes  of local  artisanal  fishermen  towards the
               MPA  regulations:  some  are  scared  that  artisanal fishing  will  undergo  further restrictions,  some  are
               very happy because fishers from outside are banned inside the MPA, and some are unhappy because
               they state they suffer the current limitations without enjoying any positive outcome. Some artisanal
               fishermen who feel “protected” by the MPA against fishermen from the outside do not see any conflict
               between  conservation  and  fishery.  Concerning  possible  positive  effects  of  protection  on  fish
               abundance, opinions are discordant.
               The most frequent reasons of the fisheries vs. conservation conflict according to the interviews are the
               large size of the MPA and the absence of stakeholder involvement. Several interviewees declared that
               the area is too large (this is the largest Italian MPA and one of the largest in the Mediterranean) to be
               efficiently protected and suggest a re-zonation with a reduction of the protected area. Some members
               of  fishermen  associations  attribute  the  severe  reduction  (ca.  50%)  of  the  fishing  fleet  in  the  last
               decades to the presence of large protected areas in the Trapani compartment.
               As  regards  the  rumours  of  a  re-zonation,  which  is  officially  aimed  at  releasing  the  conservation
               pressure on Marettimo by decreasing the extension of the current A zone while creating A zones in
               Levanzo and Favignana, the interviewees had different feelings: some had a positive and optimistic
               attitude while others i.e., artisanal fishermen were much scared to lose their favourite inshore fishing
               grounds due to the re-zonation.
               The competition for space has also generated a harsh conflict between Egadi and Trapani fishermen
               due to the MPA regulations, which allow only to Egadi residents and landlords to fish inside the B and
               C  zones.  The  reserve  is  seen  by  some  stakeholders  as  a  sort  of  privilege  to  Egadi  residents  while
               fishers  from  nearby  areas  are  angry  because  they  have  to  go  farther  from  the  coast  to  fish  in  less
               productive fishing grounds.
               The fishing sector that conflicts most heavily with conservation is trawling, which is allowed only
               inside the D zone to trawlers registered in Favignana and Trapani. The main complaint is about the
               trawler exclusion from the C zone, which includes some fishing grounds deeper than 50 m that were
               exploited  especially  during  the  winter  time  before  the  MPA.  Some  interviewees  stated  that  illegal
               trawling occurs frequently in the C and even B zones mainly in winter and during the night, with a
               heavy  impact  on  coastal  fish  resources  and  on  seagrass  meadows.  The  enforcement  bodies  which
               patrol the MPA confirmed the existence of illegal trawling and attributed poor enforcement to the lack
               of  economic  and  human  resources.  Some  interviewees  reported  about  requests  submitted  by  trawl

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