Page 4 - EAI-4_2015_37_47
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Research & development

FIGURE 2 Egadi archipelago and Favignana Harbour

above them due to the direct contact of many aquatic         the preliminary part of the process of investigation and
organisms and following food web.                            remediation of the seabed.
However, once present in water bodies, pollutants tend       The Italian current legislation is based on the Legislative
to be absorbed by particulate matter and to settle onto      Decree no. 1 of 24th January 2012 (converted into Law no.
the bottom. Such process generates the formation of          27 of 24th March 2012), in which Article 48 is referred to
contaminated sediments, defined as “soil, sand, minerals     “Dredging Rules” and re-writes the previous detailed
and organic matter accumulated on the bottom of a water      regulations regarding dredging, regulated by art. 5 of
body and containing toxic or hazardous substances at levels  Law no. 84 of 1994 [7, 8, 9]. While the legislation tends
that may cause adverse effects on human health or the        to mitigate the environmental impact derived from the
environment” [5]. Accumulation of contaminants within        movement of sediments in the coastal marine environment,
sediments can derive from natural or anthropogenic           there are still strong references to the prevention of the
sources. The natural mechanisms are identified with          disposal of dredged material that should be applied to
volcanic eruptions, forest fires, the biosynthesis           harbour areas without the need to remove sediments
performed by plants or bacteria and all phenomena            at the points where they are most polluted, which often
that exclude human impacts. However, natural processes       coincide with navigation channels, or internal parts of
can lead to concentration exceeding the threshold of         the harbour, where hot spot are more abundant. Security
contamination defined by national legislation. In some       issues and maintenance dredging should be authorised
sites, such abundance establishes a reference value of       with simplified procedures, while we still suffer to adopt
natural background. Anthropogenic sources, however,          best practices for sediments management in relation to
are represented by all the activities that produce and/      low levels of contamination.
or use toxic or harmful substances and that can affect the   The goal of ENEA was to implement a management model
ecosystem in which they are issued [6]. Anthropogenic        of harbour sediments, which, after characterization and
contaminants may enter the aquatic environment through       possible treatment, may find reuse avoiding landfilling.
punctual sources,such as industrial or civil discharges,or   This strategy combines the need to avoid the silting of
from diffuse sources, such as runoff, erosion of farmland    coastal infrastructures, ensure the maintenance and permit
treated with pesticides and atmospheric deposition. For      the transit and mooring of vessels, in order to provide the
this reason, the conceptual model of contamination is        tourist industry with a valuable natural resource through

38 EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015
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