Page 7 - EAI-4_2015_37_47
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Research & development


&ODVVLƂFDWLRQRIVHGLPHQWV                           been prepared, taking into account the outcome of
DQGPDQDJHPHQWVFHQDULRV                              various scenarios resulting from a more detailed
Classification of sediments and management            environmental characterization. A detailed review
options are related to their level of toxicity and    of technologies available for the remediation of
contamination. Usually three different colours are    contaminated sediments has been conducted,
adopted to show with “green”, “yellow” and “red”      and some of them were considered eligible for
sediment dredged material that can be respectively    the case study. In the present paper, all the steps
used for beach nourishment, or disposed within        required to implement the dredging operations
Confined Disposal Facilities and landfill. In the     were considered, as follows:
present paper, a new “dark green” colour is           1. Boundaries of the harbour;
adopted for sediment that shows contamination         2. Preparation of the characterization plan;
values between the quality standard suggested         3. Sample collection;
for coastal water directive (DM260/2010) and the      4. Analytical investigations;
contamination standard indicated by column A of       5. Processing of the obtained data;
Att. 5 of D.Lgs 152/2006. A schematic management      6. Dredging and transport;
option scheme is reported in Figure 5.                7. Storage and handling;
At the end of analytical investigation, the material  8. Checks of bottom depths after excavation;
has been classified by identifying exceedances of     9. Dredging of hot spots;
the thresholds for green areas and public housing.    10. Cost-benefit analysis of different scenarios for
From available information a preliminary draft has
                                                          sediment reuse.

                                                      41EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015
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