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periodic excavations of the bottom in compliance with the         • on-shore management options have been taken
classification regulation concerning water, waste and soil            into account. So, the bioavailability and effects of
[10], as well as the legislation relevant to dredging, like art.      contamination on marine organisms have been
48 of the Italian legislative decree of 24th January 2012 [7].        ignored as dredged material will not be in contact
                                                                      with coastal marine water bodies, if reused.

Favignana Harbour                                                 ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQRIFRQFHSWXDOPRGHO                                   Research & development
                                                                  Since marine sediments are potential targets of intentional
The Favignana Harbour (Figure 2) is developed in the              or accidental contamination, a detailed conceptual model
sheltered inlet of Cala Principale (north central area of         has been implemented. Four main contamination sources
Favignana Island). It is equipped with a pier about 110           were identified around the harbour basin and, for each
m long, which extends to north-west. The smaller Molo             of them, a specific schedule of production activities was
S. Bernardo stretches for about 85 meters in a southerly          compiled: (1) Florio’s factory; (2) Gas station; (3) Waste
direction. About 100 berths are available, 30 of which            Water discharge; (4) Boat repair (Camperia); see Figure 3.
dedicated to boats of travellers/ navigators. On the              For each of the potential source of contamination, the
seabed the Posidonia oceanica meadow is present. The              transfer model and the final target have been identified.
harbour of Favignana Island is located in the Marine              The conceptual model is based on site-specific
Protected Area, defined as “the buffer zone between the           reconstruction and the description of the contamination
valuable natural areas and external unprotected areas,            transfer model. For each source, a schematic table
where the activities of enjoyment and sustainable use of          describes the route of transfer of potential contamination
the sea of low environmental impact are permitted”.               and the following information:
                                                                  • Name of the company;
Methods                                                           • Site and type of business/production;
                                                                  • Description of the area;
Based on the complexity of sediments management and               • Hydrogeological description;
the need to guarantee periodical dredging, as well as             • Type of pollutants (current and previous activities);
to sustain tourism in the area (harbour, sports activities        • Conceptual Model (sources, transfer and targets);
and versus municipalities and tourist operators), a               • Results of preliminary analysis of soils, land,
simple and straightforward method was implemented
in four steps:                                                        groundwater, marine waters.
• implementation of conceptual model;
• sediments characterisation;                                     FIGURE 3 Florio’s factory (green); Gas station (red);
• technical and economic analysis of remediation                                 Waste Water discharge (purple); Boat repair (orange)

• classification of sediments and management

Due to the low level of contamination of the Marine
Protected Area and the limited extension of the harbour
layout (i.e., volume to be dredged), the following
assumptions have been made:
• variation of contamination level with depth is

    modest. It means that characterisation of superficial
    sediment has been carried out to reduce the cost
    of sampling and laboratory analysis in the first
    exploratory phase of the work;

                                                                  39EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015
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