Page 9 - EAI-4_2015_37_47
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information and results of specific    Research & development
                                                                                          quotation in order to determine
 TABLE 1 Concentration of contaminant determined in samples                               reliable costs of:
                                                                                          • Characterisation,(characterisation
of sediment to be dredged (option 1: 22,000 m3; option
2: 12,400 m3), different level of contamination (“green”                                       plan, sampling, analysis and
or “yellow” sediments), and possible presence of about                                         data elaboration);
50% in volume of biomass buried below the sandy                                           • Dredging (mob de-mob,turbidity
seabed [16, 17]; Figure 8.                                                                     curtains, monitoring and after-
Subsequently, four management scenarios based on                                               dredging analysis);
beneficial reuse of sediments were predicted; all of them                                 • Transport (capacity load of
exclude landfill disposal.For each management scenario,                                        trucks, daily rent of vehicles
a cost-benefit analysis was prepared,considering several                                       and number of trips);
                                                                                          • On-shoredeposit(preparation,
                                                                                          • Treatment (soil washing, land
                                                                                          • Other costs (safety, taxes and
                                                                                               unexpected costs).
                                                                                          So, the following scenarios were
                                                                                          identified in order to have an
                                                                                          economic,social and environmental
                                                                                          advantage (Figure 8). They can be
                                                                                          briefly described as follows:
                                                                                          A - Sport Facilities: execution of
                                                                                               an area dedicated to sports
                                                                                               activities, such as beach volley
                                                                                               and/or beach soccer;
                                                                                          B - Coastal restoration:accommodation
                                                                                               of sediments at the cliff’s foot
                                                                                               along 110 m of back shore;
                                                                                          C - Harbour layout: building of a
                                                                                               Confined Disposal Facilities
                                                                                               (CDF) in order to spill over
                                                                                               the dredged contaminated
                                                                                               sediments and enlarge the
                                                                                               current Harbour layout;
                                                                                          D - Sediment sale: sale of dredged
                                                                 sediments to proper industrial sectors.


                                                             Dredging within Favignana’s Harbour is periodically
                                                             needed to ensure the safety of navigation and an
                                                             adequate depth through time. With the present layout,
                                                             the entrance to the harbour is often compromised by

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