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Research & development

waves sub-sectors, namely the sector 120-180°N, with                TABLE 2 Main results of wave propagation at Cala Azzurra site
30% relative occurrence frequency, and the sector                                (15 m depth)
190-300°N, with 70% relative occurrence frequency.
For both the complete sector and each sub-sector, the               TABLE 3 Main results of wave propagation at Lido Burrone site
resultant vector of offshore annual wave energy flux                             (15 m depth)
was evaluated; results are summarized in Table 1. Based
on the direction of annual wave energy flux, the above              As a general observation, compared to Lido Burrone
directional sub-sectors were referred to as SE sector               more intense wave conditions can be estimated at Cala
and SW sector, respectively.                                        Azzurra.
Offshore waves were transferred shoreward using                     For each sector of offshore wave direction, resultant
different numerical models. First, MIKE 21 NSW                      vectors of mean annual wave energy flux at 15 m
(Nearshore Spectral Waves) module was applied                       depth were calculated. Significant heights (Hm) and
to simulate wave propagation from deep water to                     periods (Tm) of the ideal waves representative of the
intermediate depth off the Cala Azzurra and Lido                    annual wave climate in terms of wave energy flux and
Burrone site. Bathymetry was derived by available                   steepness, i.e. the so-called “morphological waves”,
nautical charts. Considering the spatial resolution                 were also estimated. Results are summarized in Table
of data and the formulation of the model, rectangular               2 and Table 3.
JULGV ZLWK ¨[  P DQG ¨\  P ZHUH DGRSWHG IRU          At both sites, MIKE 21 PMS (Parabolic Mild Slope
simulations, with x-axis directed shoreward.                        Waves) was used to simulate wave propagation and
For example purpose, Figure 16 illustrates one of the               breaking from 15 m depth to the shore and to calculate
simulations performed for offshore wave direction                   the radiation stress components. Finally, MIKE 21 HD
260°N. It can be observed that the wave fronts rotate due           (Hydrodynamic) module was used to simulate the
to refraction. Results of all simulations are condensed in          wave-induced currents in the nearshore, based on
the rose plots of wave climate at 15 m reference depth,             results from previous simulations. Bathymetric survey
shown in Figure 15. Consistently with wave refraction               data were used for simulations with PMS and HD
and with coastline and bathymetry configuration, a                  PRGXOHV DQG ILQHU EDWK\PHWULF JULGV ¨[ ¨\  P
general wave height reduction and rotation of wave                  were adopted. Wave conditions used for simulations
direction southward are noticed; the sheltering effects             corresponds to morphological waves representative of
of headlands for waves propagating from the western                 SE and SW sectors, as reported in Table 2 and 3.
quadrant is also evident, especially at Lido Burrone.               Figure 17 and Figure 18 illustrate results of nearshore
                                                                    wave propagation provided by PMS module, described
FIGURE 16 Example of wave propagation from deep water toward        by directional wave vectors.
                 study areas. Vectors indicate the wave direction.  The radiation stress components derived by PMS
                 6ɈZOVYL^H]LKPYLJ[PVUPZ‡5                    module results were used as input in the HD module to
                                                                    simulate nearshore hydrodynamics induced by incident
                                                                    morphological waves. Results of HD simulations are

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