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FIGURE 17 Simulation of nearshore wave propagation at Cala Azzurra. Incident wave   coastline geometry and seabed                 Research & development
                conditions correspond to morphological waves for SE and SW sectors  morphology and, as expected
                at 15 m depth                                                       from what discussed above, more
                                                                                    intense hydrodynamic conditions
                                                                                    are observed at Cala Azzurra
                                                                                    compared to Lido Burrone.
                                                                                    From nearshore circulation
                                                                                    patterns, a general transport
                                                                                    toward the eastern ends of both
                                                                                    sites can be noticed. This seems
                                                                                    to suggest a certain potential
                                                                                    sediment supply to the Cala
                                                                                    Azzurra eastern bay and to the
                                                                                    Lido Burrone beach, where, in
                                                                                    fact, permanent emerged beach
                                                                                    can be observed. The above
                                                                                    observation, however, takes into
                                                                                    account only average incident
                                                                                    wave conditions and is not to be
                                                                                    considered exhaustive of the
                                                                                    complex sediment dynamics of
                                                                                    study area.


                                                                                    In-situ activities and model studies

                                                                                    performed during the project

                                                                                    provided a detailed knowledge of

                                                                                    coastal morphology and dynamics

                                                                                    of Cala Azzurra and Lido Burrone

                                                                                    coastal sites.

                                                                                    The main results can be

                                                                                    summarized as follows:

FIGURE 18 Simulation of nearshore wave propagation at Lido Burrone. Incident wave   1. Both sites present a quite
                conditions correspond to morphological waves for SE and SW sectors
                at 15 m depth                                                           complex bathymetry.
                                                                                    2. Limitedly to surveyed areas,an

                                                                                        overall stability of submerged

                                                                                    beach was observed, with

depicted in Figure 19 and Figure 20 in terms of time-    little bathymetric variations among different surveys.

averaged surface elevation, whilst Figure 21 and Figure  A clear seasonal regime of beach profiles was not

22 illustrate the wave-driven nearshore circulation      noticeable from survey data, even if this aspect

currents.                                                should be better clarified by further investigation

At both sites, offshore-directed return currents can     on sea bottom geology and coverage.

be noticed in the middle of the nearshore area. 3. Results of the hydrodynamic study are consistent

Nearshore currents are strongly affected by the          with field observations.

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