Page 3 - Ecologya_distribution_2006
P. 3

2152                       Verh. Internat. Verein.  Limnol.29

         ,429  N; 33  20 E                N; 33 59 E  :429  N; 33 20 E             N : 3 3 5 9 E

           H                                       i*Tl
                                                   SI  .Hea  Hemidiaptom  us gurneyi
           |  1   )  Arctodiaptomusstephanidesi        I H eI  Hemidiaptomus  ingens
              a  Arctodi  aptom us kerky re ns i s
              I  Arctodiaptomus  salinus
         400 N; 33 20 E                 400 N; 3l  !!  E 400 N; 33 20 E          400 N; 33 59 E
         429 N; 33 20 E                    N ; 3 3 5 9 E azg ru;  rr 2O e          N;33  5s  E

                                                 .-        l----*-   --  -l*-_itffi
              .  Pi"pfomus  cyaneus                ,  ,;---
           ff:l                                   I  3j   I  Calanipeda  aquaedulcis  n
           1 1 \  a  Pisptomusserbicus              *   a  Capidodiaptomusnumidicus
              e  Both species                         tA  M ix o d iapto m u s ku pelwieseri
         400  N; 33 20 E                400 N;33 59,E  400 N;33 20 E  i          400 N;33 59 E
         Fig. 1. Distribution  maps  of calanoid copepods  in Sicily.

         common  along  the  circum-Mediterranean (CHevrenu l97l).  Sicilian specimens, along
         countries,  where it populates  both  lowland  tem-  with those collected  in Oued  Tindja (Tunisia),
         porary  ponds  and  high altitude  permanent  ones are  morphologically  identical to the nomotypi-
         (Srenn  1984).                           cal subspecies  while the specimens  from Alge-
           Hemidiaptomus  gurneyi  was  collected  in  ria, France and Corse  lack the setae at the dis-
         eight temporary  ponds lying on both siliceous tal end of the endopodite  of the male P5, being
         and carbonatic  substrates.  These environments, thus ascribable  to the subspecies  H. ingens in-
         distributed along the east-west  axis of  Sicily,  ermis  (MnnnoNn &  NRsEt-l-l-FLoRES
         are  generally  characterised by  clear  waters,  These two subspecies are considered synony-
         large dimensions (ranging between 300  and  mous  by KInnnn  (1913)  and  DussAnr & DEpnvE
         4000 m2), altitude between  700 and 1300m  (2002).
         a.s.l., a dense  macrophyte  cover and  rather low  The small-bodied  Arctodiaptomus stephani-
         conductivity  values  (65-250 pS cm-r;.  desi rs typical of small and shallow  temporary
           H.  ingens was collected in  a single, rather ponds,  but in Corfu Island it was also  found in
         large (about 400 m2), temporary,  macrophyte-  permanent  water bodies  (ReNcn REoov 1994).
         rich  water body  located in  the northwestern It is quite insensitive to chemical and  physical
         part  of the island. Typical of North African tem-  characteristics  of the environments even  though
         porary ponds,  it has  been  recorded also  in Ca-  it slightly  prefers  small  lowland  ponds  with in-
         margue  (Dussanr &  DEpnvE  2002) and Corse termediate  conductivitv values.  It is an Eastern
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