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F. Marrone et al., Ecology and distribution          2t53

       Turanic-European  taxon,  which reaches  in Sici-  ness  (n  :   7). The second is located in the right
       ly its south-westernmost areal limit.    part and collects three species.  Temporal di-
        A. kerkvrerzsis has  been collected in two small  mension is negatively  correlated with axis I  (r
       (8 -t  and 40 m2) and turbid temporary water  :  -0.90),  whereas  permanency  is positively  re-
       bodies, located  at the edge of a vineyard,  on a  lated  (r:  0.91).  These  two variables  are strictly
       lavic substratum  at the foot of  Etna Volcano, linked to altitude, area and macrophyte  cover-
       850  m a.s.l.  These pools  show conductivity val-  ing. In Sicily, temporary  ponds  are  generally  lo-
       ues of  490 and 450 pS cm  respectively.  A.  cated higher above sea level, have a  smaller
       kerkvrensis  was up to now known from  Corfu  area and show a richer macrophyte covering
       Island  Macedonia, Bulgaria and former Yu-  compared to permanent  environments. The sec-
       goslavia  (Dussnnr &  DErnye 2002'),  where it is  ond tendency  is vertical  and linked to conduc-
       typical  of  lowland  astatic swamps and  fish  tivity  values  and separates environments  with
       ponds  (R,tNcn Rpony 1994). As for the previ-  conductivity values  <  4  mS  cm  (group B)
       ous  species, Sicily represents its south-western- fiom those  with values ranging  between 4 mS
       most areal limit.                        and  42 mS cm-r (group  A). Thus, the perma-
         Mixodiaptomus  kupelwieseri  was  sampled  nent water  bodies lying on the right part of the
       both in temporary and semi-permanent  ponds  plane are ranked  according to increasing  con-
       characterized by rather low conductivity values  ductivity values  and the species associated re-
       (50-390  trrS  cm  l;,  limpid water, siliceous  sub-  flect this tendency showing Copidodiaptomus
       stratum and at  altitude ranging between 600  numidicus,  Calanipeda aquaedulcis and Arcto-
       and 1300m  a.s.l.  All the sites lie inside  wooded  diaptomus salinus  distributed along this gradi-
       areas, with  the exception of two ponds,  lying  ent.
       respectively in a cornfield and in a  pasture  land,  The group of  animals linked to  temporary
       both of them near to a wooded area and defor-  waters seems to be more characteristic of a se-
       ested only in the last decades. M. kupelwieseri mi-arid region like Sicily, as confirmed by the
       is typical of central  and southern  Europe,  while  higher  species  richness  and  diversity  of
       in  southeastern Europe it  coexists with  the  calanoid assemblages. Moreover,  a similar ten-
       strictly related M.  lilljeborgi,  whrch replaces  it  dency has  been observed for branchiopods  also
       in Northern  Africa  (Dussnnr  1989. Dussnnr  &  (Mnnnoxn unpub.  data).
       DEpRyE 2002).
                                                Some biogeographical  considerations on
       Relationships with environmental variables  Sicilian calanoid fauna
       The  eigenvalues  for the CCA axes explained  al-  Sicily, located in  the middle of  the Mediter-
       most the 90o/o  of the variance in the species-en- ranean  basin,  hosts  taxa belonging  to different
       vironment relationship  (Table  2). Two distinct  chorological  zones and  represents a  natural
       tendencies can be observed  in  Figure 2. One  "transition  zone" for freshwater  taxa  (Fig.3),  as
                                                                          et al.
       runs  horizontally  and  separates  temporary documented by NnsElr-r-FLoRES  (  1998). In
       (group C) and  permanent (group  A  and B) wa-  particular we  highlighted seven chorological
       ter bodies. The first group lies on the left part  groups,  with an equilibrated repartition  of the
       of the plane and shows a higher species  rich-  taxa among the chorological  categories  (Table

       Table  2. Summary  statistics  for the  first four  axes of CCA.
       CCA Axes
       E,igenvalues                           0.93      0.59      0.3s      0.31
       Species-environment  correlations      0.91      0.78      0.62      0.59

       Cumulative  percentage  variance
        of species  data                       14.4     23.6      29.0      33.0
       -   of species-environment  relation   3 9 . 1   63.8      78.5      89.5
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7