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F.  Marrone et al., Ecology and distribution         2t55

       I  ).  Three  main  groups  have  been  singled out: one References
       is composed by the Eastern European elements
                                                CALVO,  S.,  Be.RoNE, R.,  NASEI-I-I  FlonES,  L.,  FRADA
       D. serbicus, A. stephanidesi and  A. kerlqtrensis;
                                                  ORESTeNo, C., DoNc,tnRA, G., Lucnno, A. &  GENcHr,
       the second  includes Western Mediterranean en-  G.,  1993: Limnological  studies on  lakes and reser-
       tities as  H. ingers and C.  numidicus;the third one  voirs of Sicily.  -  Nat. Sicil. 17 (Suppl.), 292 pp.
       includes Circum-Mediterranean,  Palearctic and  CHAMpEAU,  A.,  l97l:  Originalit6  du  peuplement  en
       South  European taxa for which Sicily does  not  Cop6podes  dans  les  eaux  temporaires  de  Basse-
                                                  Provence  et de Corse.  Ann. Univ. Provence,  Sci. 45:
       represent any  geographical  limit.
         Sicily  lacks taxa typical of  permanent  and  Dussanr, 8.,  196l:  Les Cop6podes des eaux continen-
       poorly mineralised water bodies.  Its semi-arid  tales d'Europe occidentale. I. Calanoides et Harpacti-
       Mediterranean climate limits the development  coides.  -  Ed. Boub6e &  Cie, Paris, 500 pp.
       of  a perennial surface hydrographic network:  Dussnnr, B., 1989: Crustac6s cop6podes calanoides  des
                                                  eaux int6rieures africaines.   Int.  J. Crust. Res. 15:
       most  permanent  water bodies occurring  in Sici-
       ly today are artificial, the only exceptions being
                                                DussART, B.  &  DppavE, D.,  2002:  World  directory  of
       the  coastal brackish ponds and lagoons and  Crustacea Copepoda of  inland  waters. I   Calani-
       some endorheic  saline lakes.  The construction  formes.  Backuhys Publishers, Leiden, 276 pp.
       of  several  reservoirs  and  small  agriculture  EINSLE, U.,  1993: Crustacea Copepoda. Calanoida und
       ponds  favoured  the  spreading of  those  eu*  Cyclopoida.  Sii8wasserfauna Mitteleuropas, 8/4-1.
                                                   Gustav Fisher  Verlag.
       riecious taxa, which  naturally occurred in  the
                                                LtccltEllt,  C., PRESTA, D., ALpoNso, G., Mosc,+tELLo,
       high mineralised and permanent  coastal  water  S.  &  BEI-naoNrE,  G.,  2003:  Prima  segnalazione in
       bodies. Conversely,  those species  typical  of  Italia  di  Arctodiaptomus  kerlgtrensis  (Crustacea
       perennial  water bodies in more temperate cli-  Copepoda  Calanoida).  Riv. Idrobiol. 42: 283  293.
       mates are absent on the island. Noteworthy is  KTEFER, F., 1973: Zur  Kenntnis rJer  rotrbctui-Gruppe der
       the absence of the  genus  Eudiaptomzs, which is  Gattung  Hemidiaptomtts  G.O.  Sars  (Copepoda).  -
       common in peninsular  Italy, Europe and Asia  Crustaceana 25: 281  -291
                                                KrEneR, F., 1978: Das Zooplankton der Binnengewrisser.
       but rare along a latitudinal  gradient.  According-
                                                  Freilebende Copepoda. Die  Binnengewdsser, 8d.26,
       ly, also the genus Metadiaptomus, common in
                                                  Teil  2.   E.  Schweizerbart'sche  Verlagbuchh.,
       sub-Saharian  Africa  as well  as in  Maghreb  Stuttgart,  343 pp.
       (Dussnnr 1984),  has been  never recorded on  MARc,cnrroRA,  F.G., MesrRaNruoNO, L.,  CRcrsEttt,  D.
       the island. All  Sicilian species are present in  &  LoHasanot. F.. 1982: Contributo  alla  conoscenza
                                                  della fauna ad entomostraci delle acque interne della
       Europe and nearly a half  of  them (M.  kupel-
                                                  Sicilia.  -  Animalia 9: 87  102.
       wieseri, A. stephanidesi,  A. kerlqtrensis and  D.
                                                MRnnoNE, F.,  2003a:  Branchiopod  Crustaceans  from
       serbicus) are absent  from North Africa.
                                                  circum-Sicilian islands, l:  Ustica (southern  Thyrren-
         In this way,  Sicilian  calanoids show  the  great-  ian sea, Italy) (Crustacea,  Branchiopoda).  Nat. Sicil.
       est affinity  with  the European and temperate  27:255 62.
       fauna. Nevertheless, Sicilian fauna is impover-  MennoNE. F.. 2003b: On some cladocerans  new to Sici-
                                                  ly  (southern ltaly)  (Crustacea  Branchiopoda).  Nat.
       ished by  the absence  of  many northern ele-  Sicil.  27: 263  270.
       ments, and this lack is not balanced  by the in-
                                                Ma,nRoNE. F. &  NnsEllr-Flones. L..2004:  First record
       gression  of typical African ones.         of  Hemidiaptomus  (Occiclodiaptonrus) ingens  (.Gur-
                                                  ney, 1909) (Copepoda Calanoida) in  ltaly.   J. Lim-
       Note: When the present  paper  was already  in  nol.63: 250  255.
                                                MnRnoNp, F. &  N,csellr-Flonns, L., 2005: First record
       press,  the Paradiaptominae  (Calanoida,  Diapto-
                                                  of a representative of the subfamily Paradiaptominae
       midae)  species  Metadiaptomus  chevreuxi
                                                  (Copepoda Calanoida Diaptomidae) in  ltaly:  Meta-
       (GuenNe  &  RrcHnno  1894)  was collected  in a  diuptomus c'hevretui  (Guerne &  Richard, 1894).  J.
       temporary pool  in  Favignana Island  (Egadi  Limnof  . 64:89  92.
       Archipelago, Western Sicily).  This finding, de-  Nasellr-FlonEs. L.. 2003: Man-made  lakes in Mediter-
       scribed  in MnnnoNE &  NasElt-t-FLoRES 2005,  ranean semi-arid  climate:  The  strange case of  Dr
                                                  Deep Lake  and Mr  Shallow  Lake.   Hydrobiologia
       constitutes  the first record of a  representative  of
                                                  506-509: 13  21.
       the Paradiaptominae subfamily  in Italy.
                                                NasEr-r-r-FlonEs,  Be.RoNe, R. &  ZuNtNo, M.,  1998:
                                                  Distribution  patterns of  freshwater zooplankton  in
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