Page 5 - Ecologya_distribution_2006
P. 5

2t54                       Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.29

                                       1 . 0                       Fig.2.  Ordination  triplot  of
                                                                   CCA   performed  on   the
                                                                   species-environment relation-
                                            tco                    ships in the studied  water bod-
                                        o/                         ies (grouped as A,  B  and C).
                                                                   Cond:  conductivity;  Macr:
                                            * A
                                                                   macrophyte    abundance;
                                                                   Ephe: temporaneity; Alt:  alti-
                            {eming                                 tude a.s.l.; Temp: temperature
                            M.       f
          Ephe                                                     ofthe water; Perm:  permanen-
                                                                   cy;  Arcsal:  Arctodiaptomus
             -1.0                                         + . 0
                                *  Mixku,\'tB---r"-                salinus;  Calaqu:  Calanipeda
                 Alti        g
                              *Diaser                              aquaedulcrs; Copnum:  Copi-
                                          \                        dodiaptomus  numidicus;  Ar-
                               *Arcker                             cker:  Arctodiaptomus  kerky-
                                                                   rensis;  Diaser:  Diaptomus
                                                                   serbicus; Mixkup:  Mixodiap-
                                                                   tomus  kupelwieseri;  Diacya:
                                                                   Diaptomus  cyaneus;  Arcste:
                                                                   Arc to di apt omus s t ep hanide s i  ;
                                                                   Hemgur:   Hemidiaptomus
                                                                   gurneyi;  Heming:  Hemidiap-
                                                                   tomus ingens.

          Fig.3.  Updated distribution of some selected species of calanoid copepods  in the Mediterranean  basin.
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