Page 7 - Franzitta_et_alii_2017
P. 7

Sustainability 2017, 9, 106                                                         7 of 19
                Sustainability 2017, 9, 106                                                          7 of 19

                Sustainability 2017, 9, 106                                                          7 of 19

                                        Figure 6. Culture distribution in Trapani province.
                                         Figure 6. Culture distribution in Trapani province.

                     Figure 7 reports the available biomass resource as a function of the distance from the ATM bus
                depot. Fixing the fraction of collected biomass to 50%, the biomass demand from extensive cultivation
                can be satisfied with a collection radius ranging between 5 and 10 km, while the biomass demand from

                olives and vineyards cropping can be satisfied with a collecting radius ranging between 15 and 20 km,
                as shown in Figure 8.   Figure 6. Culture distribution in Trapani province.

                    Figure 7. Available biomass in the province of Trapani, as a function of the distance from the ATM
                    bus depot.

                    Figure 7. Available biomass in the province of Trapani, as a function of the distance from the ATM
                     Figure 7. Available biomass in the province of Trapani, as a function of the distance from the ATM
                    bus depot.
                     bus depot.
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12