Page 31 - GainguzziPaniniCusimano
P. 31

34. Citrus groves and irrigated orchards (cl. Stellarietea mediae: ali. Digitario ischaemi-
Setarion viridis, Chenopodion botryos, Veronico-Urticion urentis, Allion triquetri)

EUNIS Codes: 12.1, 12.2, 12.21 , Gl.D4, G2.92

Citrus fruits cultivation is widespread in the therrnomediterranean bioclimatic belt, where
water for irrigation is available. Citrus groves grow on flat coastal areas of Sicily, as well as
along the margins of water courses, also up to the inland, where they characterize the
landscape of the valleys. Historical citrus groves landscapes are located in the Palermo area,
between Carini and Bagheria; along the coast of the Messina area; in the Catania plain, up to
the Etna slopes; in the Syracuse area and also along the southern coastline, e.g. between
Sciacca and Ribera - with the cultivation of famous oranges -, at Castelvetrano, etc.

   This category also includes irrigated orchards, often in association with citrus fruits, such
as in the cases of the Kaki persimmon (Diospyros kaki) and the Loquat (Eryobotrya
japonica), well represented in the Palermo plain. Other important irrigated crops are the Peach
tree (Prunus persica)- spread in the inland areas of Bivona (Agrigento), at Leonforte (Enna)
and in the Dittaino River valley (Catania) -; the Pear (Pyrus communis) and the Appie tree
(Malus domestica), etc., with interesting native varieties distributed in the territory (some
early ripening, other late and extra-late ripening), as a function of the different climatic,
orographic and pedological conditions.

   Phytocoenotic aspects weeding these irrigated crops are ascribed to the Stellarietea
mediae class (orders Solano nigri-Polygonetalia convolvuli and Urtico-Scrophularietalia
peregrinae), whose associations reported for Sicily refer to the Digitario ischaemi-Setarion
viridis (Brullo & Marcenò, 1985b; Brullo, Scelsi, & Spampinato, 2001; Gianguzzi, 1999b, c;
Guarino, 1998; Maugeri, 1978; Scuderi, 2006), Chenopodion botryos (Brullo & Marcenò,
1980) and Veronico-Urticion urentis alliances (Brullo & Marcenò, 1985b; Guarino, 1998).
Other vegetation aspects are ascribed to the Galio aparines-Urticetea dioicae class, Galio
aparines-Alliarietalia petiolatae order, Allion triquetri alliance (Brullo & Marcenò, 1985b;
Gianguzzi, 1999b, c; Gianguzzi & La Mantia, 2004; Guarino, 1998).

35. Greenhouses and yards with nitrophilous-ruderal vegetation (cl. Polygono-Poetea annuae:
ali. Polycarpion tetraphylli; cl. Stellarietea mediae: all. Hordeion leporini; cl. Artemisietea
vulgaris: ali. Bromo-Oryzopsion miliaceae)

EUNIS Code: 11.2

Greenhouses are present in large flat areas along the coastal belt in Southern Sicily, where
crops are sometimes irrigated also with brackish ground water. This is a substantial
agronomie activity (tunnels and bell-shaped greenhouses) mainly developed in the last three
decades, mostly oriented to the Tornato cultivation - for example, the so-called "Pachino
Tornato" is very renowned - and other valuable horticultural and floricultural species. It is a
landscape with a strong visual impact, located also in areas considered of high value, as in the
Gela area ("Macconi" and Biviere di Gela Lake) or close to the important coastal wetlands
located between Marzamerni and Portopalo. More recently, this landscape tends to concern
also other protected crops (in glasshouses and plastic tunnels), such as table grapes, and it is
extending inside the Sicilian territory; it has to be underlined that this type of land use is
linked to an excessive use of synthetic products - often not biodegradable and with broad-
spectrum action - , which causes obvious risks for the environment.

   For the phytosociological frarning of the various vegetation aspects, see the following type.
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