Page 27 - GainguzziPaniniCusimano
P. 27

Gianguzzi et al., 1996); 4) bryo-pteridophytic communities of wet and dripping cliffs (class
Adiantetea, order Adiantetalia capilli-veneris), whose associations are referred to the
Adiantion capilli-veneris alliance (Brullo, Lo Giudice, & Privitera, 1989; Brullo, Privitera, &
Puglisi, 1993); 5) glareicolous communites of screes (class Thlaspietea rotundifolii, order
Scrophulario-Helichrysetalia), whose associations concem the Linarion purpureae alliance
(Brullo, 1984a; Brullo, Scelsi, & Sparnpinato, 1998; Gianguzzi & La Mantia, 2008;
Raimondo, 1980).

27 . Lava flows and lava fields bare or with sparse vegetation

EUNIS Codes: H6.13; H6.22, H6.24, H6.25; Natura 2000 Code: 8320

This tipology is characterized by the absence of phanerogarnic vegetation. lt is fragmentary
represented in volcanic areas (Mount Etna, Volcano and Stromboli islands).

28. Plantations with predorninance (codominance) of Pinus halepensis and other conifers
(Pinus sp. pl., Cupressus sp. pl., Cedrus sp. pl.)

EUNIS Code: G3.57, G3.Fl, G3.F2

Artificial plantations with conifers (Figure Slla) are present almost in the whole Sicily and
sometimes even in the smaller islands (e.g. Marettimo and Lampedusa islands), where Pinus
halepensis prevails. Other species used are Pinus pinea, P. nigra subsp. calabrica, Cupressus
sempervirens, C. arizonica and Cedrus atlantica. The floristic cortege of underbrush is poor
and heterogeneous, with scarcely typeable phytocoenotic aspects dorninated by therophytes
tied to anthropogenic environments (class Stellarietea mediae, order Thero-Brometalia),
associated with other annual plants of the Tuberarietea guttatae class, as a function of the
substrate pH and diversity. Due to sciaphilous conditions, the elements of the Lygeo-Stipetea
are sporadic (Hyparrenia hirta, Lygeum spartum, Ampelodesmos mauritanicus, Dactylis
glomerata subsp. hispanica), in tum tied to various substrates and different bioclirnatic belts.
Shrubs or bushes with greater presence of woody species of the Rhamno-Prunetea
(Crataegus monogyna, Rubus ulmifolius, Rosa sp. pl., etc.) and Quercetea ilicis classes
(Quercus virgiliana, Q. ilex, Smilax aspera, Rubia peregrina, Asparagus acutifolius) are
circumscribed to clearings and open areas, especially in the least disturbed areas.

29. Plantations with predorninance (codorninance) of Eucalyptus camaldulensis andlor other
broad-leaved species (Eucalyptus sp. pl., Populus sp. pl., etc.)

EUNIS Codes: Gl.C, G2.8 1, Gl.C3

Artificial plantations with broad-leaved species are mainly widespread in the coastal-hilly
sector of Sicilian internai areas - especially in the Agrigento, Enna and Caltanissetta districts
- in the clirnacic range of evergreen and deciduous oakwoods. These plantations were
realized since the beginning of the last century, favouring the use of Australian species of the
genus Eucalyptus, in particular Eucalyptus cameldulensis andE. globulus, in addition to E.
occidentalis, E. gomphocephalus, etc. Other plantations are those with Acacia cyanophylla
(widespread in Southem Sicily, particularly used as windbreaks along backdunes on sandy
coasts), Fraxinus angustifolia (common in Ficuzza Wood, in Palermo province), as well as
Robinia pseudacacia or Ailanthus altissima (more scattered in the territory and sometirnes
even spontaneous). The underbrush is sirnilar to the previous typology.
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