Page 25 - GainguzziPaniniCusimano
P. 25

Figure Sl O. Aspects of azonal vegetation: (a) halophilous communities of lagoons and brackish marshes with predominance
of succulent dwarf shrubs (Sarcocornieteafruticosae); (b) hygro-hydrophilous herbaceous vegetation of fresh waters along
the Biviere CesarĂ² Lake (Nebrodi Mts.); (c) overview of a badlands area at Gibliscemi (Caltanissetta), where peculiar aspects
of pioneer vegetation establish; (d) thermophilous chasmophytic vegetation of the Capparietum rupestris on dry cliffs; (e)
thermophilous glareicolous vegetation aspects with Centranthus ruber (Sedo sediformis-Centranthetum rubri) on the screes
of the Sicani Mts.; (f) mesophilous glareicolous shrubby vegetation referred to the alliance Berberido-Crataegion on the
detrital cones of Pizzo Carbonara (Madonie Mts.).
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