Page 21 - GainguzziPaniniCusimano
P. 21

20. Pioneer glareicolous commuruties of river gravel beds, with prevalence of: a)
herbaceous-chamaephytic species (cl. Thlaspietea rotundifolii: all. Euphorbion rigidae); b)
helophitic serni-submerged herbaceous species (cl. Phragmito-Magnocaricetea) and
hydrophitic submerged species (cl. Potametea pectinati) of fresh water habitats

EUNIS Codes: C2.5, C3.553, C3.6, E3.1, E5.44; Natura 2000 Codes: 3250, 3290, 3280, 6420

Along flood plains, the different degree of moisture diversifies severa! vegetation aspects,
located in gravel bed habitats, along more or less swamped stretches subject to continuous
sedimentation by running waters. These vegetation aspects are mainly framed within the
following classes: l) Thlaspietea rotundifolii (perennial and pioneer vegetation of gravel beds
subject to continuous flooding), with the Scrophulario-Helichrysetalia order and the
Euphorbion rigidae alliance, to which severa! associations are ascribed (Brullo, Scelsi, &
Spampinato, 1998; Brullo & Spampinato, 1990); 2) Phragmito-Magnocaricetea (vegetation
with partially submerged helophytes, tied to wetlands flooded), with the Phragmitetalia
(alliance Phragmition, with the associations Phragmitetum communis, Iridetum pseudoacori,
Typhetum latifoliae, Typhetum angustifoliae, Typho-Schoenoplectetum tabernaemontani,
Caricetum hispidae and Caricetum pendulo-panormitanae; Barbagallo, Brullo, & Fagotto,
1979b; Barbagallo, Brullo, & Furnari, 1979a; Brullo, Minissale, & Spampinato, 1994; Brullo
& Ronsisvalle, 1975; Brullo, Scelsi, & Spampinato, 2001; Brullo & Spampinato, 1990;
Gianguzzi, 1999a; Gianguzzi, Cusimano, llardi, & Romano, 2013; Sortino, Marcenò, Maggio,
& Gianguzza, 1974) and Nasturtio-Glicerietalia orders (alliance Apion nodiflori, with the
associations Helosciadietum nodiflori and Apio-Glycerietum plicatae; Brullo & Spampinato,
1990); 3) Potametea (aquatic vegetation in fresh or brackish water, dorninated by submerged
hydrophytes), with the Potametalia order, to which in Sicily the following associations are
referred: Zannichellietum obtusifoliae and Myriophylletum alterniflori (Barbagallo, Brullo, &
Fagotto, 1979b; Brullo & Spampinato, 1990; Sortino et al., 1974).

21. Psarnmophilous communities of sandy coastal stations with prevalence of: a) terophytes
(cl. Cakiletea maritimae; Tuberarietea: ord. Cutandietalia maritimae); b) hernicryptophytes
and other perennial herbaceous species (cl. Ammophiletea and Helichryso-Crucianelletea

EUNIS Codes: A2.2, A2.532, A2.5512, A2.5513, Bl.21, Bl.13, Bl.311, Bl.322, Bl.48, B2.1, B2.2, C3.3;
Natura 2000 Codes: 1210, 1310, 2110, 2120, 2230

Dunes and sandy coastal environments show a phytocoenotic zonation, closely related to the
diversification of ecologica! gradients (distance from the sea, geologica! nature of the
substrate, exposure to sun, wind, etc). They are typical catena! sequences placed along the
profile of these environments, where they are repetitively and constantly represented and
linked to various syntaxa.

   The Cakiletea maritima class comprises annual and pioneer psarnmophilous vegetation
typical of beaches dose to the sea; in Sicily it is represented by the Euphorbietalia peplis
order and the Euphorbion peplis alliance, to which the following associations are ascribed: -
Salsolo-Cakiletum maritimae (Frei, 1937; Brullo & Furnari, 1970, 1994; Brullo, Di Martino,
& Marcenò, 1974; Brullo, Fagotto, & Marcenò, 1980; Bartolo, Brullo, & Marcenò, 1982;
Brullo, De Santis, Furnari, Longhitano, & Ronsisvalle, 1988; Gianguzzi, 1995; Brullo,
Guarino, & Ronsisvalle, 1998); - Cakilo-Xanthietum italici (Bartolo, Brullo, & Marcenò,
1982; Brullo, Giusso del Galdo, Siracusa, & Spampinato, 2001; Géhu & Biondi, 1996; Géhu
et al., 1984; Pignatti, 1953); - Atriplicetum hastato-tornabenii (Bartolo, Brullo, & Marcenò,
1982; Brullo, De Santis, Furnari, Longhitano, & Ronsisvalle, 1988; Brullo, Fagotto, &
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