Page 20 - GainguzziPaniniCusimano
P. 20

Figure S9. (a) Nerium oleander and Tamarix africana vegetation (ali. Rubo-Nerion oleander) in the Fiumara of Tusa River;
(b) Platanus orientalis and A /nus glutinosa riparian vegetation (Platano-Salicetum pedicel/atae subass. alnetosum
glutinosae) in the mountain part of the Fiumara of Agrò River (Peloritani Mts.); (c) view of the Fiumedinisi River (Peloritani
Mts.); (d) Ammophila arenaria psarnmophilous vegetation along the coastal dunes of Southem Sicily (Echinophoro
spinosae-Ammophiletum arenariae); (e) balophilous and sub-balophilous vegetation aspects along the coastline of the
Levanzo Island (Aegadian Islands); (f) landscape of the rocky coasts at Cala Rossa (Terrasini, Palermo), whose habitats bost
chasmo-balophilous vegetation aspects ofthe Crithmo-Staticetea class.
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