Page 19 - GainguzziPaniniCusimano
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Sciandrello, 2006); - Tamarix africana community, cited for the rivers of centrai and south-
western Sicily (Brullo & Sparnpinato, 1990); - Spartio-Nerietum oleandri, reported for some
rivers of northern (Pollina, S. Stefano, Tusa, Furiano, Rosmarino, Fitalia, Alcantara, etc.) and
southern Sicily (Gela, Dirillo, Platani, etc); - Tamariceto-Viticetum agno-casti (Brullo &
Sparnpinato, 1990), reported for some strearns and rivers of northern Sicily (Zingaro, Pollina,
S. Stefano, Tusa, etc).

18. Riparian and dwarf woods of the sub-mountain and mountain river stretches, with
prevalence of Salix sp. pl. (cl. Salicetea purpureae, ord. Salicetalia purpureae, all. Salicion
pedicellatae) and Populus sp. pl. (cl. Salici purpureae-Populetea nigrae, ord. Populetalia
albae, ali. Populion and Osmundo-Alnion glutinosae)

EUNIS Codes: E5.44, F9.1273, 01.314; Natura 2000 Code: 92AO, 3280, 3290

Riparian aspects located along inland river stretches, and also in valleys and strearns that
climb along hilly and mountain slopes, tied to the thermo- and mesomediterranean belts
(subhumid ombrotype). This riparian vegetation- dominated by species of the genera Salix
and Populus- is ascribed to the Salicetea purpureae (order Salicetalia purpureae) and Salici
purpureae-Populetea nigrae classes (order Populetalia albae). The first includes aspects of
valley bottoms on alluvial soils, on more or less broad gravel beds, subject to periodic winter
flooding; the second one comprises coenoses typical of mountain and riparian areas with a
minor disturbance caused by flooding. The associations are: - Salicetum albo-purpureae
(Barbagallo, Brullo, & Fagotto, 1979b; Brullo & Sparnpinato, 1990; Gianguzzi & D'Amico,
2006), typical of alluvial lowlands in north-eastern Sicily (Etna and Peloritani), up to
altitudes of about 800 m a.s.l.; - Salicetum albo-pedicellatae (Brullo & Sparnpinato, 1990),
found in Western and Southern Sicily (Palermo, Trapani, Agrigento, Caltanissetta and
Ragusa territories); - Ulmo canescentis-Salicetum pedicellatae (Brullo & Sparnpinato, 1990;
Gianguzzi & D'Amico, 2006), widespread in the upper part of the river basins in central-
northem and western Sicily; - Agropyro-Salicetum pedicellatae (Brullo & Sparnpinato,
1990), described for the High Madonie Mts.; - Osmundo-Salicetum gussonei, reported for the
Madonie Mts. (Brullo & Sparnpinato, 1990).

19. Riparian woods with predominance of Platanus orientalis (cl. Salici purpureae-
Populetea nigrae, ord. Populetalia albae, ali. Platanion orientalis) of fresh carved river
stretches of the Hyblean Mts. (Platano-Salicetum pedicellatae), southern slopes of the
Peloritani Mts., northem part of M. Etna (Platano-Salicetum gussonei) and Oreto River
nearby Palermo

EUNIS Code: 01.335, 01.383; Natura 2000 Code: 92CO

Riparian woods with Platanus orientalis generally grow at altitudes below 600 m a.s.l., in
carved river stretches in the Hyblean Mts. and Peloritani Mts. areas (Figures S9b-c), with an
isolated site on the Palermo Mts. (Oreto River; Gianguzzi, Raimondo, & Riggio, 1995). They
are ascribed to the Salici purpureae-Populetea nigrae class, Populetalia albae order and
Platanion orientalis alliance, with the following associations: - Platano-Salicetum
pedicellatae, typical of the Hyblean strearns (Barbagallo, Brullo, & Fagotto, 1979b; Brullo &
Sparnpinato, 1990) and of the Oreto River at Palermo (Gianguzzi, Raimondo, & Riggio,
1995); - Platano-Salicetum gussonei (Brullo & Sparnpinato, 1990), widespread in the streams
of the Peloritani Mts. (Fondachelli-Fantina and Alcantara rivers).
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