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phytogeographical framework of the Italo-Tyrrhenian Province and the western
Mediterranean Subregion (Rivas-Martinez, Penas, & Diaz, 2004), these basiphilous coenoses
are ascribed to the Rosmarinetea officinalis class.

    In particular, they refer to the Rosmarinetalia officinalis order and to the Cisto
eriocephali-Ericion multiflorae alliance, with the following associations: - Genisto
aspalathoidis-Rosmarinetum officinalis, indicated for the Pantelleria Island (Biondi, 1997;
Brullo et al., 1977; Gianguzzi, 1995, 1999c; Gianguzzi et al., 2015);- Genistetum gasparrinii,
recently described for Pizzo Vuturo (Mount Gallo) at Palermo (Gianguzzi et al., 2015); -
Genistetum demarcai, recently described for Pizzo di Pilo at Isnello (Gianguzzi et al., 2015); -
Rosmarino-Coridothymetum capitati, reported for the southern sector of Sicily (Bartolo,
Brullo, & Marcenò, 1982; Brullo, Furnari, & Scelsi, 1993; Cusimano, Guarino, & Dardi,
2014; Furnari, 1965) and for the Pantelleria Island (Brullo et al., 1977; Gianguzzi, 1999c); -
Erico-Polygaletum preslii, widespread on the heights in the Palermo area, with penetrations
in the Sicani Mts. area (Marcenò & Colombo, 1982); - Erico-Micromerietum fruticulosae,
described for the Marettimo Island (Brullo & Marcenò, 1983; Gianguzzi, Cusimano,
Bonventre, Romano, & Dardi, 2012); - Brachypodio ramosi-Cistetum creticae, known for
Mount Cofano (Gianguzzi & La Mantia, 2008);- Erico multiflorae-Rosmarinetum officinalis,
surveyed at the Rocca del Crasto, on the Nebrodi Mts. (D' Amico, 2009; Di Pietro, Filesi, &
Blasi, 2002); - Coronillo valentinae-Coridothymetum capitati and Diplotaxio-Reaumurietum
vermiculatae, both reported for the coastal belt of Contrada Manfria at Gela (Brullo, Guarino,
& Ronsisvalle, 1998); - Hyparrhenio-Helianthemetum sessiliflori, described for the Ippari
River valley (Brullo, Giardina, Minissale, & Sparnpinato, 1987; Brullo, Minissale, &
Siracusa, 1996); - Coridothymo-Helichrysetum stoechadis described for the Erean Mts., in the
territory of Granieri and Santo Pietro (Catania province) and Niscemi (Caltanissetta province;
Barbagallo, 1983a; Brullo, Minissale, & Sparnpinato, 1997); - Cistetum salvifolio-clusii,
known for the Hyblean Mts., lirnited to the Ippari River valley (Bartolo, Brullo, Giardina,
Minissale, & Spampinato, 1987; Brullo, Minissale, & Spampinato, 1997); - Helichryso
scandentis-Ericetum multiflorae, reported for the Hyblean Mts. at the Anapo River basin
(Brullo, Furnari, & Scelsi, 1993); - Coridothymo-Cistetum parviflori, reported for the
Lampedusa Island (Bartolo, Brullo, Minissale, & Spampinato, 1988); - Sileno-Helichrysetum
hyblaei, described for the Mount Lauro area on the Hyblean Mts. (Brullo, Scelsi, Siracusa, &
Tomaselli, 1996);- Thymelaeo-Rosmarinetum officinalis, reported for western Sicily (Brullo,
Minissale, & Sparnpinato, 1997; Brullo, Scelsi, & Spampinato, 2001).

13. Shrubs and garrigues on rocky ridges and eroded slopes of silicate nature (cl. Cisto-
Lavanduletea), including genistoid species and/or moors with Erica arborea (cl. Cytisetea

EUNIS Codes: F3.26, F3.27, E5.33, F5.211, F5.241, F5.242, F5.4, F5.515, F6.13, F6.19

Shrub or garrigue vegetation, typical of acidophilous environments, located between the
thermo- and the oromediterranean belts. lt comprises: a) communities with Cistaceae,
Labiatae and other species of the Cisto-Lavanduletea class (order Lavanduletalia stoechadis);
b) genistoid shrubs of the genera Spartium, Calicotome, Cytisus, Teline, etc. and/or moors
with Erica arborea (Cytisetea scopario-striati). Among the aspects of the Cisto-Lavanduletea
class, the following associations are included: - Cisto salvifolii-Genistetum madoniensis,
located in the Tyrrhenian side of the low Madonie Mts. (Gianguzzi, Cusimano, Dardi, &
Romano, 2015; Marino, Guarino, & Bazan, 2012); - Genisto aristatae-Cistetum salvifolii,
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