Page 16 - GainguzziPaniniCusimano
P. 16

Figure S8. (a) Garrigue vegetation with Genista cupanii (Carlino nebrodensis-Genistetum cupanii) on the siliceous-
arenaceous substrates of the Madonie Mts.; (b) pioneer vegetation with Astragalus siculus (Astragaletum siculi) on the lava
of the mountain part of Etna; (c) Hyparrhenia hirta grassland (Hyparrhenietum hirto-pubescentis); (d) overview of the
Aegadian Islands from the Vulcano Island; in the foreground, garrigue vegetation with Genista tyrrhena subsp. tyrrhena,
typical of volcanic substrates; (e) Ampelodesmos mauritanicus grasslands (alliance Avenulo-Ampelodesmion mauritanici)
dominate large parts of the landscape of the carbonate mountains affected periodically by wildftres; (f) cattle grazing in the
Cachrys ferulacea grasslands at Mount Cervi (Madonie Mts.).
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