Page 13 - GainguzziPaniniCusimano
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versicoloris-Fagion), where they are referred to the Ilici-Taxetum baccatae association, with
the typicum subassociation reported for the "Tassita di Caronia" and in the upper part of the
heights (Brullo et al., 2012; Brullo et al., 1996; Di Benedetto, Leonardi, & Poli, 1983), and
the ruscetosum aculeati subassociation indicated for lower altitudes, in particular along the
"Gole di Catafurco", in the Galati Mamertino territory (Gianguzzi, Fici, & llardi, 1998;
Gianguzzi & La Mantia, 1999).

   Abies nebrodensis frr wood actually refers to a species endemie to the Madonie Mts. It is
almost exstinguished due to the indiscriminate human deforestation occurred in the past, and
is now represented in nature by only about 30 individuals! These fragmentary vegetation
aspects, associated with Juniperus hemispaerica, are located in the supramediterranean belt
(subhumid-humid ombrotype), ascribed to the Junipero hemisphaericae-Abietetum
nebrodensis association (class Junipero sabinae-Pinetea sylvestris, order Juniperetalia
hemispaericae, alliance Berberidion aetnensis); the coenosis is located between the Vallone
Madonna degli Angeli and Mount Cavalli, between 1,600 and 1,800 m a.s.l. (Brullo, Giusso
del Galdo, & Guarino, 2001).

10. Shrublands on forest edges with predominance of thomy and deciduous species (cl.
Rhamno-Prunetea, ord. Pyro spinosae-Rubetalia ulmifolii), of the coastal-submountain (ali.
Arundo plinii-Rubion ulmifolii) and mountain belts (all. Berberido aetnensis-Crataegion
laciniatae), in the climacic range of the classes Quercetea ilicis, Querco-Fagetea and Salici-
Populetea nigrae

EUNIS Codes: F3.111 , F3.1123, F3.23, F3.26, F3.27

Deciduous shrub communities, generally secondary - sometimes primary -, located in the
climacic range of wood communities of the Quercetea ilicis and Querco-Fagetea classes
(Rivas-Martinez et al., 2002), between the thermo- and supramediterranean belts. Known as
"pre-mantle" and "forest mantle", they are typical of soils rich in nutrients, rocky slopes and
steep canyons, where they play an important ecotonal role in the process of wood expansion
towards the surrounding grasslands ascribable to the respective series of vegetation.

   From the phytosociological point of view, in Sicily they are included in the Rhamno-
Prunetea class, Pyro spinosae-Rubetalia ulmifolii order, Arundo plinii-Rubion ulmifolii and
Berberido aetnensis-Crataegion laciniatae alliances (Gianguzzi, Caldarella, Cusimano, &
Romano, 201la, b), with the following associations: - Rubo-Crataegetum brevispinae (Bolòs,
1962), very common in the hilly and submountain belt; - Scutellario-Urticetum rupestris, in
the north-eastem part of the Hyblean Mts. area (Bartolo, Brullo, Fichera, & Scelsi, 1989;
Brullo, Minissale, Scelsi, & Spampinato, 1993); - Rubo-Aristolochietum altissimae, described
for the eastem side of the Hyblean Mts. area (Brullo, Minissale, Scelsi, & Spampinato, 1993);
- Rubo-Dorycnietum recti, reported for various streams in Sicily (Brullo, Minissale, Scelsi, &
Spampinato, 1993); - Clematido cirrhosae-Rubetum ulmifolii, described for north-westem
Sicily (Gianguzzi & La Mantia, 2008); - Crataegetum laciniatae, on the top of the Madonie
Mts., the Nebrodi Mts., Mount dei Cani, Rocca Busambra and the Sicani Mts. (Brullo,
1984a); - Lonicero xylostei-Prunetum cupanianae, described for the High Madonie Mts.
(Gianguzzi et al., 2011a, b).
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