Page 12 - GainguzziPaniniCusimano
P. 12

Figure S7. (a) Fagus sylvatica forest nuclei on tbe carbonate substrates ofMount Cervi (Madonie Mts.); tbese woods, spread
also on the Nebrodi Mts., Peloritani Mts. and Etna, develop on different substrates from 1,350 m to around 2,000 m a.s.l.
(Mount Etna); (b) aspect of the Betula aetnensis wood localized on the volcanics of the eastern slope of Etna; (c) Pinus
halepensis constitutes residual forest aspects along the coastal belt of Southem Sicily and in some smaller islands
(Marettimo, Pantelleria and Aeolian islands); (d) Pinus pinea forest aspects (Peloritani Mts.); (e) pioneer aspects of tbe Pinus
nigra subsp. calabrica pine wood (Junipero-Pinetum calabricae) on the lava of Mount Etna; (f) Abies nebrodensis,
important endemie species localized in a circumscribed area of tbe Madonie Mts.
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