Page 7 - GainguzziPaniniCusimano
P. 7

Brullo et al., 1977; Brullo & Marcenò, 1985a), where they are referred to the following
associations: - Genisto aristatae-Quercetum suberis [Tyrrhenian ridge of Sicily, between
Trapani (Scuderi, Dardi, & Raimondo, 1994) and the Nebrodi Mts. (Brullo, 1984a; Brullo et
al., 2009; Brullo & Marcenò, 1985a; Gianguzzi, Di Martino, & Raimondo, 1995)]; -
Doronico orientalis-Quercetum suberis (circumscribed areas on the Nebrodi and the
Peloritani Mts.; Brullo et al., 2009; Brullo, Minissale, & Siracusa, 1996; Brullo, Scelsi,
Siracusa, & Tomaselli, 1996); - Stipo bromoidis-Quercelum suberis (Erei Mts., among
Niscemi, Mazzarino, Caltagirone and Granieri; Barbagallo, 1983b; Brullo, Minissale, &
Siracusa, 1996; Costanzo, Fumari, & Tomaselli, 1996; Fumari, 1965); - Carici-Quercetum
suberis (Hyblean Mts., among Francofonte, Sortino and Buccheri; Cirino, Ferrauto, &
Longhitano, 1998).

4. Caslanea saliva woods (cl. Querco roboris-Fagetea sylvalicae: Doronico orienlalis-
Caslanetum salivae), sometimes mixed with hazelnut trees (Nebrodi and Etna) in the clirnacic
domain of mesophilous woods of the classes Quercetea ilicis and Querco roboris-Fagetea

EUNIS Codes: G1.7D6, Gl.Dl; Natura 2000 Code: 9260

Caslanea saliva is a species of agricultural and forestry interest (chestnut groves and woods),
which occupies an important piace among the plants of economie interest of the
Mediterranean, where it has been native fora long time, though its range of origin remains
uncertain. In Sicily these woods are mainly present on the eastem slopes of Etna and along the
Tyrrhenian side of Peloritani, Nebrodi and in lirnited areas of the Madonie Mts. (Schicchi,
Venturella, Filippone, & Raimondo, 1990); they grow on deep soils evolved from flysch,
volcanics, etc., within the mesomediterranean bioclimatic belt (subhumid-humid ombrotype).
They are mostly artificial forest plantations, present in the climacic belts of the acidophilous
wood communities - in particular cork oak woods and acidophilous deciduous oak woods -
of the Quercetea ilicis (order Quercelalia ilicis) and Querco-Fagelea classes (order
Quercetalia pubescenti-pelraeae). The only chestnut association described for Sicily is the
Doronicum orientalis-Caslanetum salivae, indicated for Etna (Brullo et al., 2012), falling
within the Querco-Fagelea class (order Quercetalia pubescenli-pelraeae, alliance Pino-
Quercion congestae).

5. Deciduous woods of the Quercus pubescens gr. (Quercus virgiliana, Quercus amplifolia,
Quercus dalechampii, Quercus congesta, Quercus leplobalanos) and other deciduous
species, in the climacic domain of mesophilous wood communities of the classes Quercelea
ilicis and Querco roboris-Fagelea sylvalicae

EUNIS Codes: 0 1.732; Natura 2000 Codes: 91AAO*

Deciduous oak woods of the Q. pubescens group - growing between the thermo- and the
mesomediterranean belts (dry-subhumid ombrotype) on deep and evolved soils of clayey-
flyschoid nature - play a clirnacic role in Sicily (Figure S6). They form pure or mixed woods
dominated by Quercus virgiliana, Q. congesta and Q. leptobalanos, sometimes associated
with other deciduous species, or mixed woods dominated by Mediterranean species . They are
widespread from the coast up to 1,000-1,200 m a.s.l., although often represented with
discontinuous and relict nuclei, as a result of deforestation for agricultural activities. They are
mainly framed within the Quercetea ilicis class and the Quercetalia ilicis order, with the

calcicolous coenoses falling into the Fraxino-Quercion ilicis alliance (= Quercion ilicis p.p.),
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