Page 6 - GainguzziPaniniCusimano
P. 6

Figure SS. (a) Series of the Quercus ilex basipbilous wood of the Rhamno-Quercetum ilicis pistacietosum terebinthi on the
slopes of Mount Gallo (Palermo); (b) Quercus ilex acidopbilous wood (Erico-Quercetum ilicis) on the volcanics ofMontagna
Grande (Pantelleria Island); in the background, Mount Gibele; (c) Quercus ilex mesophilous wood of the Aceri campestris-
Quercetum ilicis (Pizzo Carbonara, Madonie Mts.); (d) Quercus ilex bas.iphilous wood (Doronico orientalis-Quercetum
ilicis), along the Cave of the Hyblean Mts. (Anapo River valley); (e) Quercus suber woods of the Genisto aristate-Quercetum
suberis , on siliceous-arenaceous substrates of the Tyrrhenian sector of Sicily; (f) overview of the Quercus suber woodlands
between Milianni and Caronia (Nebrodi Mts.).
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