Page 28 - GainguzziPaniniCusimano
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30. Cu1tivated lands (cl. Stellarietea mediae: all. Ridolfion segeti, Roemerion hybridae,
Scleranthion annui) and temporary fal1ow 1ands (cl. Stellarietea mediae: all. Echio-
Galactition tomentosae, etc.)

EUNIS Codes: 11.1, 11.2, 11.3

Messicolous cultivations characterize the plant landscape of vast areas of the Sicilian inland,
where wheat (Triticum durum, T. aestivum) and barley fie1ds (Hordeum vulgare) prevail,
normally alternated with grain 1egumes (in particular Vicia faba) and fodder crops (Avena
sativa, Sulla coronaria, Vicia sativa) or 1eft fallow and used as pasture (Figure Sllb). This
cartographic category comprises horticultural crops in the open air - dry or partially irrigated -
present along the coasts, on the borders of the main water courses (on alluvial soils) and
sometimes even in the inland (on clayey soils). Weeds of messicolous cultivations are
phytosociologically ascribed to the Stellarietea mediae class, divided in the orders
Centaureetalia cyani, with the Roemerion hybridae (Bartolo, Brullo, Fagotto, & Grillo, 1982;
Brullo, Giusso del Galdo, Guarino, Minissale, & Spampinato, 2007; Di Martino & Raimondo,
1976; Ferro, 1988, 1990, 2005; Lo Cicero & Piccione, 1977) and Ridolfion segeti alliances
(Bartolo, Brullo, Fagotto, & Grillo, 1982; Barto1o et al., 1988; Bartolo, Minissale, Sorbello, &
Spampinato, 1990; Brullo et al., 2007; Di Martino & Raimondo, 1976; Ferro, 1990), and
Aperetalia spicae-venti, with the Scleranthion annui alliance (Barbagallo, Brullo, Furnari,
Longhitano, & Signorello, 1982; Bartolo et al. , 1988; Brullo et al., 2007; Guarino, 1998). The
Solano nigri-Polygonetalia convolvuli and Thero-Brometalia orders include vegetation aspects
tied to stubbles and temporary fallow lands, whose associations are divided into the following
alliances: Diplotaxion erucoidis (Brullo & Marcenò, 1980), Echio-Galactition tomentosae
(Bartolo et al., 1988; Brullo, 1982, 1983; Brullo, Fagotto, Lo Cicero, & Piccione, 1980; Brullo
& Siracusa, 1996; D' Amico, 2009; Ferro, 1980, 2005; Gianguzzi et al., 1996; Maugeri, 1975;
Minissale et al., 2006; Minissale & Sciandrello, 2005; Scuderi, 2006) and Fedio-Convolvulion
cupaniani (Brullo & Marcenò, 1985b; Brullo & Spampinato, 1986; Scuderi, 2006).

31. Vineyards (cl. Stellarietea mediae: all. Fumarion wirtgenii-agrariae, Diplotaxion
erucoidis, Chenopodion botryos, etc.)

EUNIS Code: FB.4

Vineyards characterize the landscape of vast areas of Sici1y, with perceptual expressions
re1ated to the various types of cultivation and planting (Figure S11d). They are sometimes
associated with other crops - such as olive groves or arable land - , but they are mainly found
as specialized crop, for production of wine or tab1e grape. The viticu1ture is main1y deve1oped
in the western part of Sicily, in particular in the Trapani, Agrigento, Caltanissetta and
Palermo areas, as well as on the Etna and in the smaller is1ands (Pantelleria, Linosa, Aeolian
Islands, etc).

   Herbaceous weeds in the vineyards are ascribed to the Stellarietea media class (with the
Solano nigri-Polygonetalia convolvuli and Thero-Brometalia orders), with several
associations divided into the Chenopodion botryos (Bartolo et al., 1988; Brullo & Marcenò,
1980, 1985b; Ferro, 2005), Fumarion wirtgenii-agrariae (Bartolo et al., 1988; Brullo &
Marcenò, 1980, 1985b; Guarino, 1998; Minissale & Sciandrello, 2005; Scuderi, 2006), and
Fedio-Convolvulion alliances (Brullo & Marcenò, 1985b; Brullo & Spampinato, 1986;
Scuderi, 2006).
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