Page 32 - GainguzziPaniniCusimano
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36. Buildings and out-buildings with nitrophilous-ruderal vegetation (cl. Parietarietea
judaicae: all. Parietarion judaicae and Cymbalario-Asplenion; cl. Anomodonto-
Polypodietea: all. Polypodion serrati; cl. Polygono-Poetea annuae: all. Polycarpion
tetraphylli; cl. Stellarietea mediae: all. Hordeion leporini, Malvion parviflorae, Chenopodion
muralis, Mesembryanthenion cristallini; cl. Galio-Urticetea: all. Allion triquetri)

EUNIS Codes: Jl.l , J1.2, J1.4, 12.32

Built-up areas (residential, industriai and rural areas, roads, dirt roads, railways, etc.)
characterize anthropogenic ecosystems, within which several phytocoenotic aspects develop.

   The Parietarietea judaicae class (with the Tortulo-Cymbalarietalia order) comprises wall
communities characterized by nitrophilous chasmophytes, hernicryptophytes and lithophytes,
ascribed to the Parietarion judaicae (Bartolo & Brullo, 1986; Bartolo et al., 1988; Brullo &
Guarino, 1999, 2002; Brullo, Minissale, Scelsi, & Spampinato, 1993; Brullo, Scelsi, &
Spampinato, 2001; Gianguzzi et al., 1996) and Cymbalario-Asplenion alliances (Brullo &
Guarino, 1999).

   The Anomodonto-Polypodietetea class (order Anomodonto-Polypodietalia, alliance
Polypodion serrati) includes the Polypodietum serrati association, which is dominated by a
small rhizomatous fem (Polypodium cambricum), associated with bryophytes and epiphytes.
This coenosis is tied to walls, old ruins, wet terraces and roofs (Bartolo & Brullo, 1986;
Brullo & Guarino, 1999, 2002).

   The Polygono arenastri-Poetea annuae class (with the order Sagino apetalae-
Polycarpetalia tetraphylli) comprises nitrophilous and prostrate thero-hernicryptophytic
communities tied to tramplings (pavements, roads, country paths, etc.), which in Sicily are
referred to the Polycarpion tetraphylli alliance (Brullo, 1980, 1985a; Brullo, Scelsi, &
Spampinato, 2001).

   The Stellarietea mediae class (with the orders Thero-Brometalia and Chenopodietalia
muralis) frames nitrophilous-ruderal herbaceous aspects, whose associations reported are
ascribed to the Hordeion leporini (Bartolo et al., 1988; Brullo, 1982, 1983; Brullo &
Marcenò, 1985b; Brullo & Piccione, 1980; Brullo & Siracusa, 1996; Ferro, 2005; Guarino,
1998; Scuderi, 2006), Malvion parviflorae, (Bartolo et al., 1988; Brullo & Marcenò, 1985b;
Gianguzzi, 1995; Romano et al., 2006; Scuderi, 2006), Chenopodion muralis (Brullo, 1983;
Brullo, Guarino, & Ronsisvalle, 1998; Brullo & Marcenò, 1985b; Brullo, Scelsi, &
Spampinato, 2001; D'Amico, 2009; Guarino, 1998; Scuderi, 2006) and Mesembrianthenion
crystallini alliances (Bartolo et al., 1988; Brullo & Siracusa, 1996; Scuderi, 2006). Other
vegetation aspects are ascribed to the Galio-Urticetea (alliance Allion triquetri: Brullo &
Marcenò, 1985b; Ferro, 2005; Gianguzzi, 1999b, c; Gianguzzi & La Mantia, 2004; Guarino,
1998) and Artemisietea vulgaris classes (order Brachypodio ramosi-Dactyletalia hispanicae,
alliance Bromo-Oryzopsion miliaceae: Brullo et al., 2010; Brullo, 1984b; Brullo, Scelsi, &
Spampinato, 2001; Gianguzzi et al., 1996).
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