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Acta Botanica Gallica: Botany Letters  315

              Risk factors intrinsic to the species are obviously tied  Channel of Sicily. The graphical representation itself of
           to the relictuality of the stations, placed here at the  the range of S. mattiazzi (Figure 2) – with a predominant
           extreme south-eastern limit of the range. These isolated  Atlantic  centre  of  gravitation – shows  that  the
           populations are extremely sensitive to environmental  Mediterranean stations are mainly located in the western
           stresses and stochastic events likely to compromise their  part  of  the  respective  territories  (character  of
           survival (Lesica and McCune 2004) and to enhance and  environmental oceanicity). In particular, the various more
           increase the effects of human disturbance (Kappelle  or less punctual sites distributed in the Tyrrhenian area
           et al. 1999). Therefore, a strong risk of imminent loss of  probably  represent  evidence  of  an  ancient  and
           genetic diversity needs to be considered (Siikamäki and  widespread occurrence of the species, confirming the
           Lammi 1998).                                        ancient palaeogeographic connections that affected the
              In light of the population surveys carried out   entire Mediterranean Region (Francini and Messeri,
           (Table 5), and considering that the estimated extent of  1956; Caflisch and Schmidt Di Friedberg 1967; Catalano
           occurrence is 5 km , the area of occupancy is 0.75 km –  et al. 1995, 1996).
           compared with an effective area of occupancy of        On this basis, the status of the species in Sicily
           0.00108 km ; hence, at regional level, the species is to  is even more critical, given the limited extent of the
           be ascribed to the category “Critically endangered”,in  two populations and the small number of individuals,
           accordance with the IUCN criteria B1ab (ii) and B2ab  particularly in the Marettimo Island. Although both
           (ii) (Gärdenfors et al. 2001; IUCN 2003, 2006).     surveyed stations fall within Sites of Community
                                                               Importance (ITA010002 “Isola di Marettimo” and
                                                               ITA010010 “Monte S. Giuliano”) and that of the
           Conclusion                                          Marettimo Island lies within a Special Protection Area
           Along the sectors of the Atlantic belt, S. mattiazzi is a  (ITA010027  “Arcipelago  delle  Egadi – area  marina
           very common species. It becomes vulnerable in the more  e  terrestre”),  some  conservation  programmes  on
           inland,  disjointed  stations  distributed  within  the  various levels would be appropriate to avoid a
           Mediterranean  area,  where  populations  are  often  probable extinction of the species in the short term.
           exiguous and fragmentary. For example, it is protected in  In particular, we recommend (1) an ex situ cultivation
           Catalonia, being included in the Catàleg de flora    of  the  species,  which  may  also  allow  some
           amenaçada (Sàez, Aymerich, and Blanché 2010) and    investigations on its reproductive strategies, either
           considered “in danger of extinction”.               vegetative or sexual; (2) a reintroduction of the
              In Italy, it is included in the Regional Red Lists of  species in stations adjacent to the surveyed areas; and
           Conti, Manzi, and Pedrotti (1997), and its conservation  (3) collection and storage, in a special bank, of seeds
           status  is  considered  as  “threatened”  in  Lazio,  collected in nature to ensure the existence of a
           “vulnerable” in Campania; no reference is available in  reserve of germplasm.
           Sardinia, although it is also present in localized areas
           and probably not free from hazards.
              In Sicily, S. mattiazzi is undoubtedly an element of  Acknowledgements
           particular phytogeographical significance, with the two  Prof. Gianguzzi is grateful to Prof. Salvatore Brullo (University
           exiguous populations recently found on the Marettimo  of Catania) for having stimulated this research, after his first
           Island and on Mount S. Giuliano. They denote an     discovery of the species on the Marettimo Island, on the
           evident relictual character, becoming localized within  occasion of the “Excursion of the Sicilian Section of the Italian
                                                               Botanical Society” (3-5 May 2003). This research was
           an   Erica  multiflora  garrigue,  ascribed  to  the
                                                               supported by a contribution from ‘‘Ricerca d’Ateneo ex 60%’’,
           Erico–Micromerietum fruticulosae, which also has its  University of Palermo.
           own relictual character, as its somewhat rich and peculiar
           floristic composition demonstrates. The association,
           circumscribed to some calcareous outcrops of western  References
           Sicily, is characterized by the presence of several  Abate, B., C. Di Maggio, A. Incandela, and P. Renda. 1993.
           endemics. Moreover, this paper also highlighted that the  Carta Geologica dei Monti di Capo San Vito (scala 1/
           aspects detected in the locality of Mount S. Giuliano are  25000). Palermo: Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia.
           more intact and better preserved, unlike the population  Abate, B., A. Incandela, F. Nigro, and P. Renda. 1998. Plio-
                                                                  Pleistocene Strike-Slip tectonics in the Trapani Mts. (NW
           of the Marettimo Island, which is made up by very few
                                                                  Sicily). Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana 117:
           individuals and is probably more vulnerable.           555–67.
              The calcareous dolomite rocky ridges, located near  Abate, B., A. Incandela, and P. Renda. 1999. Geologia
           the coast, represent the habitat in which these two    dell’Isola di Marettimo (Arcipelago delle Egadi, Sicilia
           populations live and where they are exposed to the     occidentale). Naturalista Siciliano s. 4, no. 23: 3–41.
                                                               Abate, B., G. Lo Cicero, and P. Renda. 1982. Facies
           marine humid currents from the west. This ecological
                                                                  carbonatiche ed evaporitiche del Trias superiore di
           combination gives to the two biotopes a peculiar       Marettimo. Rendiconti della Società Geologica Italiana 5:
           character that is not frequent in other sites of the   71–6.
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