Page 12 - Gianguzzi_alii_2012
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Acta Botanica Gallica: Botany Letters  313

                                                               less degraded Quercus suber L. woods (Quercetea ilicis
                                                                  In the Tyrrhenian area – especially in Central Italy
                                                               (Selvi and Viciani 1999) – it is still common within cork
                                                               oak woodlands, although it is reported also within the
                                                               “maritime grasslands” (Fiori 1923–29), the “acidophilous
                                                               garrigues and maquis” (Pignatti 1982) and the “marginal
                                                               clearings” (Pignatti et al. 1985), always on arenaceous
                                                               substrates. On the hills of Maremma Grossetana,
                                                               specifically, it is considered characteristic of a formation
                                                               with  Quercus  suber  ascribed  to  the  Simethido
                                                               mattiazzi–Quercetum suberis association (Selvi and
                                                               Viciani 1999) (order Quercetalia ilicis, class Quercetea
                                                               ilicis). It is also frequent in features of a secondary
                                                               maquis tied to areas disturbed by fires, in turn referred to
                                                               the  Erico  arboreae-Arbutetum  unedonis  subclass.
                                                               quercetosum suberis (order Quercetalia calliprini, class
                                                               Quercetea ilicis); the formation is characterized by a
                                                               dense shrub layer dominated by Ericaceae (Arbutus unedo
                                                               L., Erica arborea L. and Erica scoparia) with which are
                                                               associated Phillyrea angustifolia L., Myrtus communis
                                                               L., Cistus salvifolius L., Lavandula stoechas L., Calluna
                                                               vulgaris, Genista pilosa L. (Selvi and Viciani 1999).
                                                                  In the Sardinian-Corsican stations, S. mattiazzi is
                                                               found in various features of coastal maquis and
                                                               garrigues,  in  environments  with  a  high  oceanic
                                                               character. In Corsica, for instance, it is typical of the
                                                               sub-coastal landscape of the rather fractured and
                                                               leached alkaline granites (Paradis and Pozzo Di Borgo
                                                               2005), where it constitutes one of the dominant
           Figure 5.  Simethis mattiazzi in bloom, here in Brachypodium
           retusum grasslands, located in soil pockets among calcareous  elements of the herbaceous layer of various formations.
           slabs.                                              It is noted in the Juniperus turbinata maquis (Myrto
           Figure 5. Simethis mattiazzi en fleurs, dans les pelouses à  communis-Juniperetum  turbinatae),  the  Arbutus
           Brachypodium retusum, localisés dans les poches du sol entre  unedo  and  Erica  arborea  maquis-bush  (Erico
           les dalles calcaires.
                                                               arboreae-Arbutetum unedonis, with the subassociations
                                                               myrtetosum communis and quercetosum ilicis) and in
           by nanophanerophytes, camephytes, emicriptophytes and  various garrigue formations, in particular with Cistus
           geophytes – are related to purely acid and humiferous  monspeliensis  and  Lavandula  stoechas  (Lavandulo
           soils, which develop on arenaceous substrates, between  stoechadis–Cistetum monspeliensis, Cisto-Lavanduletea),
           subhumid and ultrahyperhumid ombroclimatic belts.   with Teucrium marum L. (community with Teucrium
           Similar features are present also in inner stations, such as  marum,  Rosmarinetea  officinalis)  and  with  Erica
           in Catalonia (La Selva Plain), where the species is found  scoparia  (Myrto  communis–Ericetum  scopariae),
           in vegetation formations with Erica cinerea, settled among  besides  physiognomizing  grasslands  features
           the clearings of Pinus pinaster Ait. and Pinus pinea L.  (community  with  S.  mattiazzi),  referred  to  the
           pine forests (Sàez, Aymerich, and Blanché 2010); at Pinar  Molinio–Arrhenatheretea class (Paradis 2010). The
           de Selas – Guadalajara area, 1190 m a.s.l. – it is also  stations of the southern part of Sardinia are tied to
           indicated in the heathlands with Erica scoparia L.  almost similar maquis and garrigues features, especially
           (Morales Del Molino and Mateo 2010).                those of Sulcis (Bacchetta 2006).
              Towards the inner Iberian Peninsula, S. mattiazzi is
           found in mesophilous pastures and in shrubs, but also in the
                                                               Analysis of the Sicilian stations
           clearings of Quercus pyrenaica Willd. woods, especially in
           areas where there has been fire (Segura Zubizarreta, Mateo  In the investigated areas of Sicily the presence of
           Sanz, and Benito Alonso 2000; Gòmez García et al. 2005;  S. mattiazzi is tied to basiphilous formations of garrigue
           Alejandre, Garcìa Lòpez, and Mateo Sanz 2006).      with Erica multiflora L. subsp. multiflora (Marettimo
              In Northern Africa, the species gravitates between  Island and Mount S. Giuliano) and grasslands with
           the plains and the low mountains of the humid regions,  Brachypodium retusum (Pers.) P. Beauv. (Mount S.
           always on siliceous substrates, especially within more or  Giuliano).
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